Author Archives: pruck

Project & Peer Evaluations – Guide to Survive

Submit a short reflection on the final project. Reflection questions can include (but are not limited to): What were some successes? What were some shortcomings? What were some of the surprises, frustrations, or solutions you encountered? What skills and approaches did you use to overcome problems and challenges? Overall, what final grade would you award the class, and what final grade would you award yourself?

Please individually submit a peer evaluation for each of your team members – including yourself! Your results will be returned to you anonymously. Copy and Paste the template for each of your team members.



Pondering Parents @ Meet the Teacher Night

Pondering Parents @  Meet the Teacher Night

To see what kind of work we do, parents may engage in a town-hall style exploratory commentary, in person 7-8pm or online tonight a Meet the Teacher Night. Parents may comment anonymously on a poster, google doc, or choose to submit an individual response in the assignment folder.

Parents, please email for permission to edit the Google doc from the email address the school has on file.

Questions for consideration:

1) What does a citizen need to know to engage in a democratic society?

2) In your opinion, what does it mean to be Canadian?

3) What histories do you think may be overlooked in contemporary education?

4) How would technology ideally enhance communications?

5)What kinds of local contexts are important for students to experience?

6) Wildcard – parents choice



Optional Writing Assignment: Critical Media Response: Jim Prentice Acceptance Speech or BC Government-Teachers Labour Dispute

Optional Writing Assignment: Critical Media Response: Jim Prentice Acceptance Speech or BC Government-Teachers Labour Dispute

You may include optional assignments in your portfolio for report card evaluation.

Read Jim Prentices’ acceptance speech and write a critical response (~350 words). Please use Dr. Lori Laday’s critical response questions for prompts in the link below.  You may submit comments on specific lines of the speech via google docs, however, this will still need to be supported by an introductory or concluding paragraph.

If you choose the labour dispute, research current media articles to inform your understanding of the issue, stakeholders, and tension. Use the “How to Detect Bias in New Media” link for question prompts. Cite sources and information using proper grammatical conventions, and adapting Chicago Style by pasting relevant links into footnotes. Footnote shortkeys: Ctrl+Alt+F.