Where I should I begin with the first chapter from Dawson’s textbook? The facts within it is multilayer and never one sided. The facts about the growing but immature Liberalism coming from not only the US but also from France, the fact that the first country to gain independence in that region was Haiti (which was also the first independent nationstate with a government and population mostly making up African people). Or the fact those who fought against Spanish rule varied from Indian rebels to Catholic Priest, but also to autocrats like Bolivar.
Bolivar’s letter is not only interesting because of the ideas within it to inspire future leaders like Chávez, but it gives the reader a glimpse into the stream of thought of who can be called the George Washington of Northern South America. Bolivar idea about i united South America is the most interesting and expressive aspect of the letter. Where all the countries trade and war would be avoided. This idea is also alike to the European Union in a way. Sadly, Bolivar has very little hope in the common people and sees that a strong handed rule is the only way to govern. This coming from the man that said that Spanish crown was treating them lower then slaves.
Martí essay on the other hand is more poetic and less formal but still extremely political. Martí gives the name “Our America” to his essay which helps create a certain untied concept of Latin America and what ever government existed at the time in any of those countries, independent of Spanish rule or otherwise (like his country of Cuba) still under Spanish control. Martí’s is more egalitarian then Bolivar ever was but first off addressing the common man in the paper but still expressing a concern about the future, particularly with the growing power of the US.
Chávez speech ends the string of documents but even becoming more egalitarian then Martí every was, addressing the entire Southern countries. He does mentions Bolivar struggles against the Imperial Spanish and uses it as a way of describing the forces of Neoliberal economics stemming from the North. Even though Cházez does address the Southern nations of the world, he uses Latin American as an example of the destruction by the hands of Neoliberal economics. He expresses his ideas on how the Southern nations can cut themselves free from such policies and no longer be slaves to the economics whims of the rich North.
Even through all these documents are written but different men, in different times, and in different places, they all express common themes. Unity of the South against outside forces, the power of the people in the South, and finally a call to freedom and liberation from the old and static to the new and dynamic.