Assignment 2:3 Concepts of Home

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I certainly cannot be the only one feeling this way, but I have not ever had the chance to share my personal values and beliefs in an environment that is so open and willing to share and interact! It was s great to see my fellow classmates also open up in regards to what home is to them, and it’s a shame that in a traditional classroom setting I would never get to be this intimate with all of you. Thank you for letting me peek into your minds on a weekly basis and I hope you all are enjoying the process as much as I am.

After reading multiple blog posts a few themes stuck out. The emotions that one associated with home, of security and upbringing stood out to me especially in Danica’s post. The physical environment of the city she grew up in shaped and impacted her memories and concepts of home. Growing up in a smaller town where everyone knows one another seemed to have a lasting effect on the comforts of the entire place. The idea of being known and recognized in ones home is an important factor in the comfort and security it brings with it and I can only begin to imagine how it must have felt to have such a diverse community to call home.

Another theme that stuck out and one that I could definitely relate to was the concept and appreciation of home when one is away as in Sandra’s story.  I think for both of us  it was only by stepping out of our live’s and into the world that we could see what we most deeply cared about and find in a home. It is truly easy to dismiss routine as lifeless when in reality it is our form of comfort and plays an essential role in what is dear to us. But I am also glad to hear on her reflections and how we do have to get ourselves into uncomfortable positions to really appreciate what is familiar and ours. 

Towards the end of her post Lorraine mentioned making home a mindset. Without the needs of a location or conceptions, she could get herself in a tranquil state and have that be her home. Her insight reminded me of the work by Pico Iyer, and his revelations in “The Art of Stillness”.  He states that movement is a wonderful privilege and is much more accessible these days, but for him, and I do agree with him here, it only has a meaning if you have a home to go back to. And home here, is not merely the place you sleep, but the place you stand.

This really appreciated this week’s assignment as it gave us links to be empathetic and value the shared experience we all have even among such a diverse group. This mindset will make it easier as we take a step back and delve our studies into recognizing the values of home and what it had meant and what it now means to the First Nation’s people.

Work’s Cited

“Where Is Home?” Pico Iyer:. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 June 2016.

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