From the QEA web page

The following are the instructions to QEA supporters posted on their web page for filling out the feedback form along with suggested cut and paste options for the comments section.

We need to ensure that the Vancouver School Board hears our community’s objections to their proposal to close and sell our school from as many people as possible. One of the most important ways you can do this is to fill out the VSB On-Line Feedback form! (takes 5 Minutes). Make sure to put comments in the free form section of the form. If you want to refer to some comments/background info, please refer to this great letter Example #4 – you could even cut and paste into the OnLine form.

The VSB will tabulate data collected from these forms to assist with their decision re: closure of our school

As Dawn Steele pointed out in a comment on the Vancouver Sun Blog, the VSB consultative survey methodology is seriously flawed. Anyone can fill out the survey as many times as they wish. There is no mechanism in place to control block submissions or cut and paste answers on the feedback form. Let’s hope that when the school board makes their decision that they rely upon a sound methodological measure of community sentiment, not a vote once, vote often survey.

2006 Census data shows 40% increase in UBC/UEL Area

Data from the 2006 census shows that while nearby areas of Vancouver (Dunbar Heights, West Tench, and Spanish Banks) have near zero population growth, UBC/UEL areas have grown by almost 40%. Nearly one quarter of all housing (privately owned or rented) has been built since 2001. With further plans for housing in play it is likely that by the next census in 2011 the area population may well double again!

According to the 2006 census data there are 1,545 school age children living at UBC/UEL. There are an additional 680 children under the age of six.

Where are these kids going to school? Some of them (about 1,050) are in the two U Hills. But what about the rest of them? A few are in alternative programs like French Immersion at Jules Quesnel, a handful are even at Queen Elizabeth Annex. And, it is likely that a few are enrolled in private schools. But, the majority of these 500 children have to bus away from home to schools as far away as Bayview Elementary or Trafalgar.

The data shows what’s happening, growth in some areas stagnation in others. It’s time to Rebuild our Schools.

Download UBC/UEL 2006 Census Data.

COPE Statement

COPE | The Coalition of Progressive Electors

Seismic upgrading concerns emerge:
“I am appalled that since this NPA-dominated board has come to power in 2005, not a single Vancouver school has been approved for seismic upgrading,” said COPE Trustee Allan Wong.

Wong notes that the UBC/Dunbar Study schedules University Hill Secondary and Queen Elizabeth Main Elementary for seismic upgrading, bumping them above other schools that were accorded a higher priority on the VSB list of designated schools. Wong says this is as an example of how the current isolated approach is distorting district-wide planning.

There is a minor error in the COPE news release quoted above: -they state that U Hill Secondary is being bumped ahead of other schools for seismic. This is incorrect. U Hill Secondary is not up for seismic upgrades. Under the past COPE majority Board, U Hill Secondary was placed on the capital spending plan for a renovation to increase the school to 675 students. This isn’t jumping ahead, it’s barely keeping pace.

COPE Position

COPE School Trustees oppose sale of Queen Elizabeth school annex. | COPE

What is the solution that COPE offers for rebuilding our schools? It is clear they are opposed to the NPA’s approach (and with good reason); but what is their plan that will have students currently forced onto buses back into neighbourhood schools before they grow up? It is one thing to take an oppositional perspective, to speak for the ‘big picture,’ but what about the children right now who don’t have access to a proper school? What a bout the families without the means to drive their children across town to school? What about equity? It’s a hard solution and it takes courage to start reallocating public resources. Sometimes it is a job that has to be done.

U Hill Elementary PAC Blog

UHill Elementary PAC

On January 10, 2008, VSB announced its Educational Facilities Review and its plan to collect feedback through a series of public meetings, surveys, school team reports, and delegate presentations to the Board of Trustees. At stake is a proposal to:

  • Close Queen Elizabeth Annex;
  • Carry out seismic renovations at Queen Mary, Jules Quesnel, and Queen Elizabeth; and
  • Build 2 new schools at UBC.

On March 11, 2008, the Board of Trustees will deliberate and vote for or against the proposal in its current state or a revised version of the proposal based on feedback received.

Residents in UEL and UNA desperately need the 2 new schools recommended in the proposal. Although the provincial government, who is responsible for providing funds to build new schools, approved the expansion of the current UHill Secondary school from 325 to 675 student spaces, it did not approve funds to build a new elementary school due to excess space in the district.

UBC Responds to VSB Facilities Review

Over the past several weeks a variety of concerns and complaints have been expressed regarding UBC’s obligations toward building a new high school within the campus area. Some have argued that UBC is completely responsible to build any such schools west of Blanca. As previously noted, however, the responsibility for building schools is provincial and the local institution to do that is the Vancouver Board of Education.

Following a meeting with representatives of all of the affected UBC/Dunbar School Parent Advisory Councils Friday January 25th, Stephen Owen issued a letter outlining and clarifying UBC’s obligations. At the meeting itself (held in response to the parent’s earlier letter to Prof Toope) Mr. Owen was clear in expressing the desire of the University to work with all parties to facilitate a resolution to the current issues that can meet the very real needs of a school for children in the UBC area.

U Hill Students Organizing to Rebuild Their School

Facebook | Rebuild U Hill

From the facebook group description:

The Vancouver School Board is in the process of reviewing schools in the UBC/Dunbar area of the schools district. Students living west of Blanca are terribly served by the Vancouver School Board.

We like our schools, but consider the following:

The elementary school is over capacity at 550 students. Nearly 200 additional elementary students have to be bussed to school.

The secondary school was built for 325 and has over 500 students in it. Nearly 150 students have been turned away! The building is in extremely poor condition.

The school board plan isn’t perfect, but it will address the needs of hundreds of children how toady don’t have the luxury of a neighbourhood school

We need new schools NOW!

Dunbar Residents’ Association Enters the Fray

DRA News & Events � Proposed Closure of Queen Elizabeth Annex and Related Issues

Dear Vancouver School Board Trustees:

The Dunbar Residents’ Association is extremely concerned at the unreasonably short timeline given for public consultation on the proposed closure of Queen Elizabeth Annex and the other Phase 1 EFR proposals. These are proposals that will have a significant impact on all of the neighbourhoods involved and therefore require meaningful community consultation and a reasonable amount of time for citizens to gather information and respond in an informed way.

We understand that the Annex is to be closed and the property sold to provide funds for the provision of neighbourhood schools at UBC. The closure of Queen Elizabeth Annex will have an impact on our community at present and seems short-sighted for the future, given the City’s Ecodensity Charter and its predicted population growth.

The proposals raise a number of issues that citizens need time to assess and address, and the limited time given is difficult to understand in the context of what should be a desire by the VSB to engage in genuine community consultation. We urge that you engage in additional community consultation, extend the deadline for feedback for at least six months and postpone your decision accordingly.

Yours truly,

Susan Chapman
Dunbar Residents’ Association