News & Updates

Profile Page Update

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This update changes the available options under the Profile page. The options are Public, Edit Profile, Change Avatar, Privacy Settings and UBC Info.

New theme added Coraline

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Because we only have one theme (Twenty Ten) that supports the new WordPress menu manager and for those who like Cutline we now have Coraline: A squeaky-clean theme featuring a custom menu, header, background, and layout. Coraline supports 7 widget areas (up to 3 in the sidebar, four in the footer) and featured images (thumbnails […]

Change username fixed

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For existing user there’s a prompt in your user profile to change your username.  If you already changed your username and still seeing a warning message in your profile page please ignore it.  Please note that this only applies to user who logged in this morning. Sorry for any inconvenience.

WordPress 3.0 & Features

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We are excited to announce that UBC Blogs has been updated to the latest version of WordPress, version 3.0.

WordPress 2.9.2 & Features

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UBC Blogs has been updated to version 2.9.2. Here’s some new features: Enable in-browser image resizing and cropping Embed YouTube video directly to post/page without using embed code Trash status for posts, pages, and comments (includes restore and permanent delete) See the official WordPress website for complete list of new features in 2.9.

New and improved Add User function.

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For those that have experienced difficulty in the past adding users to your blog we now have an improved Add User function. To add additional users to your blog go to the same location Users->Add Users. You can add a list of emails (one per line). If the email is in the system they will […]