R script to convert HYDAT mdb file into CFA readable ascii files

# ** Convert HYDAT database file into CFA-readable ASCII files **
# Developed by Nick(WeiTao) Rong
# Watershed Hydrology Group, UBC Forestry
# Last modified: March 24, 2016
################## **** Read Me!! **** ###################
# This script will output either mean-daily AMS or
# instantaneous peaks. You need to specify the location
# of your HYDAT mdb file and the script will generate a
# sub-directory containing all ascii files with the
# WSC station number as file name with no extension
# Because this script does not filter out any stations,
# users are highly recommended to screen the dataset
# first with EC DataExplorer software available on
# the internet (Windows OS only)
# To use this script, you need to change:
# 1) hydat.input.location (line 50)
# 2) ascii.output.location (line 56)
# 3) INST (line 59)

rm(list=ls()) # good habit to clean the workspace first

########### **** R Packages Required **** ################
library(Hmisc) # mdb.get() read MS Access database

# Note mdb.get() of {Hmisc} requires mdbtools package on the OS level
# For Mac, install mdbtools use brew or macports
# For Linux, install mdbtools use apt-get
# For Windows with Cygwin, install mdbtools
########### **** Read in HYDAT dataset **** ##############
# Download the .mdb HYDAT dataset: ftp://ftp.tor.ec.gc.ca/HYDAT/
# Unzip the hydat dataset
# Where is the .mdb file located? Including the file name & extension
# The file reading process can take 2~5 mins

hydat.input.location = “/Users/nickrong/Dropbox/FRST590/Hydat_Jan2016.mdb”
########### **** Output ascii files **** ##############
# Where you want the ascii file folder to be located?
# Do not forget the “/” at the end…
ascii.output.location = “/Users/nickrong/Dropbox/FRST590/ascii/”


# After modifying the items above, run the entire script in R
# Only Modify Things Below If You Know What You Are Doing!!!

# Read the database and store information in list
hydat.all = mdb.get(hydat.input.location)

# The actual hydat database is huge, extract just the table of info.
hydat.table = mdb.get(hydat.input.location, tables = TRUE)

print(“HYDAT mdb file read-in completed”)

if (INST == TRUE) {

hydat.Qmax = subset(hydat.all[[18]], DATA.TYPE == ‘Q’ & PEAK.CODE == ‘H’)
# Annual peak flows are stored in hydat.all[[18]] –>”ANNUAL_INST_PEAKS” (Instantaneous peaks)
hydat.allQ = data.frame(
YEAR = hydat.Qmax$YEAR,
MONTH = formatC(as.numeric(hydat.Qmax$MONTH), width=2, flag=”0″),
FLOW = hydat.Qmax$PEAK,
# DATA.TYPE has to be the last one so I can remove it easily later
} else{

hydat.Qmax = subset(hydat.all[[19]], DATA.TYPE == ‘Q’)
# Annual peak flows are stored in hydat.all[[19]] –>”ANNUAL_STATISTICS” (Mean Daily Max)
hydat.allQ = data.frame(
YEAR = hydat.Qmax$YEAR,
MONTH = formatC(as.numeric(hydat.Qmax$MAX.MONTH), width=2, flag=”0″),
FLOW = hydat.Qmax$MAX,
# DATA.TYPE has to be the last one so I can remove it easily later
# Station information in hydat.all[[26]] –>”STATIONS”
hydat.allSTATION = data.frame(
STATION.NAME = hydat.all[[26]]$STATION.NAME,
AREA = hydat.all[[26]]$DRAINAGE.AREA.GROSS

# Create the output folder if not exist already
dir.create(file.path(ascii.output.location), showWarnings = FALSE)

# loop to generate one ASC file each station…
for (loop1 in 1:length(hydat.allSTATION$STATION.NUMBER)){

# Which station we are working on?
station = as.character(hydat.allSTATION$STATION.NUMBER[loop1])

# Subset out Annual Peaks of just this station and just Flow (DATA.TYPE == Q)
station.Q = subset(hydat.allQ, STATION.NUMBER == station)
input.Q = station.Q[,1:4] # remove DATA.TYPE
input.Q = input.Q[order(input.Q$YEAR),] # sort by years

# filter out stations without records
if (length(input.Q$YEAR) != 0) {
# Initial file with the file name as the station number; no extension
CFAinput <- file(paste0(ascii.output.location, station), “w”)

# Writting header info
cat(paste0(hydat.allSTATION$STATION.NUMBER[loop1],”\n”), file = CFAinput)
cat(paste0(hydat.allSTATION$STATION.NAME[loop1],”\n”), file = CFAinput)
cat(paste0(length(input.Q$YEAR),” “,
hydat.allSTATION$AREA[loop1],”\n”), file = CFAinput)

# Appending the flow data to the file (no col/row names)
write.table(input.Q, file = CFAinput, append = TRUE,
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

# Finish the file writing

completion = (loop1/length(hydat.allSTATION$STATION.NUMBER))*100

if(completion %% 5 < 0.01) {
print(paste0(round(completion, digits = 0), “% of stations output completed”))

} # End of loop for exporting each WSC station into a separated ascii file

#################### EOF ####################


Filed under ScriptingMemo

5 Responses to R script to convert HYDAT mdb file into CFA readable ascii files

  1. Andrew Menezes

    Thank you for the post! This will be extremely useful once I can get it working. However, I am having trouble with mdbtools… I have downloaded it but cannot install it on R and thus cannot use the get.mdb function. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

    • Nick Rong

      Hi Andrew,

      Toward the end of the term I realized it’s hard to install the mdbtools on windows OS…we ended up using the SQLight version of HYDAT data. The script need to be modified a little bit since some of the variable names are changed…

      I will post the fully modified version in a month or so for this year’s class…but right now just focusing on writing my thesis 😛

      # Read the database and store information in list
      hydat.file = dbConnect(drv=RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = “C:/Rscripts/Hydat.sqlite3”)

      # The actual hydat database is huge, extract just the table of info.
      tables = dbListTables(hydat.file)

      tables = tables[tables != “sqlite_sequence”]
      lDataFrames = vector(“list”, length = length(tables))

      for (i in seq(along = tables)) {
      lDataFrames[[i]] = dbGetQuery(conn = hydat.file, statement = paste(“SELECT * FROM ‘”, tables[[i]], “‘”, sep = “”))

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