
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

4 Responses to Contact

  1. do you have any new reports or updated information on how deforestation affects snowpack and in turn runoff , and flooding/ especially in bc interior>?

  2. Mohammad M Hasan

    Hi Nick,

    I am a PhD student at University of Utah. I am using DHSVM for my research. I found in the DHSVM users website that you developed a R-script to auto calibrate the DHSVM model . Is there anyway you can share that script with me so that I can use it to calibrate my models?

    I would be very grateful to you.

    Thank you.

    Sincerely yours,
    Mohammad Hasan

    • Nick Rong

      Hi Mohammad,

      Sure. Here is the Dropbox link:

      Please be aware that I developed this script a long time ago when I just started my MSc program. We never publish anything out of this DHSVM exercise, it was more of just an experiment for internal use only. Also, the original model we used had been calibrated already (by human using intuition) and the purpose of this optimization exercise was more just to fine tune the model (and also for me to learn R and have some fun coding).

      I read through the files in the folder and here is what I remember….

      1) the main optimization R package is hydroPSO (Particle Swarm Optimisation). You can download the most updated hydroPSO on CRAN.

      2) the main R script is “PSO_DHSVM_testing.R”. As you see the hydroPSO was originally developed for the SWAT hydrology model. I modified it to use DHSVM.

      3) the main R script then calls “startDHSVM.bat”. In the .bat file, it actually calls another R script call “config_edit.R”. The config_edit R edits the DHSVM configuration file. The .bat then calls the DHSVM and run the updated configuration. Once the DHSVM finish running, and the .bat file completes, the main R script will read in DHSVM streamflow output and compare it with the observed streamflow.

      4) I only calibrated 3 parameters. DHSVM is painfully slow and at some point the optimization took about a week to run.

      Good luck with your research project,

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