Check back frequently to see this list expand. Teachers will begin by offering subjects we already teach at work and then add more subjects once we hear what learners want to explore. The courses will be designed to last 4-6 weeks. Courses will be offered, modified, or cancelled as necessary in response to local, provincial, and federal quarantine recommendations and regulations. The following is an initial menu of general subjects that could be offered in age-appropriate format.
- Great book adventures (English literacy and literature through reading popular and classic books)
- Writing up a storm (Stories, scripts, diaries, poems, and more)
- Comic book creation and the hero’s journey
- Home fitness: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and elite athlete
- Health and Wellness: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health in balance.
- Visual arts (painting, drawing, cartooning, digital media)
- Fibre arts (knitting, crochet, embroidery)
- Music, of course! (Singing, performing, listening)
- Social action — kindness, care, and love in action. Responding to request within and beyond our Paper Bag Academy community.
- Cooking and nutrition
- At the movies (Appreciating and analyzing what we are binge watching)
- Growing mentorship, friendships and kindness through gaming.