
Today, after I said bye to the friends that I was hanging out with, I couldn’t help but feel extremely sad that I couldn’t say “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”  We’re not thousands of miles away from each other, but just knowing that, unlike the past 8 years,  I won’t see them at school is so unsettling.

Goodbye sleeping right before sunrise.
Goodbye waking up at noon.
Goodbye staying out late with friends.
Goodbye minimal responsibilities.
Goodbye TV show marathons.
Goodbye do nothing days.

See you at Christmas time.
Or possibly next weekend! Haha.

Goodbye the best summer I’ve ever had.

Random fact about me #2: This summer I traveled to Asia with 5 of my friends.  It was by far the best vacation of my whole life so far.

Hello… things I’ve yet to meet.

As the last moments of the summer of 2009 wind down, I think I am finally excited for tomorrow.  I don’t want it to come any faster than it should, but I don’t mind that it is coming.