Day 2: Tuesday.

Up till around 1 pm today I was actually one chapter in economics ahead of schedule.

Then I went to write the math final and somehow my Tuesday just fell away.

I don’t think I did very well on the final to be honest, but wilst writing it I came over an interesting sensation.

Have you heard of “flow”?

It’s like when you’re so in-the-zone of doing something that you are doing and the motions are moving but you’re not thinking about it.  I think it’s also known as concentration. Just… on a very high level.

I was completly immersed in math.  I screwed up some differentiating steps along the way but it didn’t get me down.  Over the past few months I developed this bad habit of giving up and feeling helpless even during a test but this time I think I overcame it.  Or rather, it didn’t come up?

Somewhere in the last hour I suddenly consciously realized I was in flow and then it broke.  =( But it came back for a little bit at the end.

Anyway, back to studying.

Verdict of my first university final taking experience: Good experience but let’s never do that again. Too bad that’s not happening…

Good luck everyone =)

Oh boy.

This is bad. I don’t know how to deal with this. The finals. They’re EVERYWHERE.

I’ve never needed to do this before… but I think I’m left with no choice.   I have to make a studying schedule.


Math- focus on Ch 5 and 11; review all.
Econ- read the last chapter, Ch 1-3
Japn- Ch 13


Math final.Econ- Ch 4-5
Japn- Ch 14
OB – catch up on reading…


Econ- Ch 6-8
Japn- Ch 15
OB- Ch 1-2
Phil- Utilitarianism


Econ- Ch 9-11
Japn- Ch 16
Phil- Kant


Econ- Ch 10-13, review all.


Econ final.
Japn- Ch 17
OB- 4-6


Japn- Ch 18
OB- Ch 7-8
Phil- Non relative virtue ethics


Japn- review all.
OB – Ch 9
Phil- Cultural Relativism


Japanese final.
OB- 10-12
Phil- abortion


OB- 13-14, review all.
Phil- animal rights


OB final.
Phil- all the rest.


Philosophy final.


Why I never made schedules before: 1. didn’t really need it, 2. lazy, 3. it’s too overwhelming to look at.

I hope I will survive this.

[on a side note] Any K-pop fans here? I hear Minho of SHINee (along with other Korean celebs) has been around campus this weekend filming for a special on the Olympics.  Fan cams are already on Youtube if you’re interested.  I don’t know if they’re still going to be around though but I hear there are many screaming fans around.

Play to…

A speaker was at my Organizational Behavior class. He shared an insight that I thought was very interesting.

He said…

You can play to win
or play not to lose.

I would assume he meant in life.

That’s all I wanted to share.

Do you play to win?

I know I want to, but I think unless I remember to remind myself I will play not to lose.