A normal summer morning until…

It was a normal summer morning today.  Woke up to the sound of a vibrating phone set at 10 am in hopes of fixing my summer hibernating ways.  Lay there for a bit.  Thought about my plans for another sunny day.  Lay there a little longer.  Got up, automatically turned on the computer like second nature.  Brush teeth and all that washroom jazz.  Checked out a video a friend told me to look at on Youtube.  Log onto MSN.

All was well.  Until I realized TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER SCHOOL.

From there it was stress all over.  Texting of people to double check if there was school.  Evaluating whether it would be worth it to go to the other section.  Decided that it would be.  Run downstairs.  Opened the wrong pot for my breakfast which was the pressure cooker pot.  Proceeded to burn myself with soup exploding out of pot.  Run upstairs.  Change.  Downstairs.  Eat.  Out the door.  Back in the door.  Ask for a ride to the skytrain.  The first day of school is never a pretty sight in many ways.

I don’t think I’ve completely recovered from the effects of studying for finals yet.  I’ve never studied that intensely in my life before.  My last exam was about a week and a half ago.  My past week has been saturated with so many non school related things that it feels like that short break was 3 weeks.  And it feels good.

I shall see you soon again summer ’10.  Like Thursday!  Since summer session  is awesome and I only have class two days a week.  (I hope it will be awesome…)