New arrivals?

I was on the 99 b-line today for the first time in a long time.  Eastbound.  When I got on the bus, there were these girls talk about phone plans and what kind of plans to get it.  Noticing their accents, subtle mention of AMS, I decided in my head that they were students that just moved into res or something.

Yes I’m judging like that.  But I can’t help it, it’s human tendency to categorize.

[side note] It seems everyone has a Blackberry these days!

There was one point where they seemed kind of lost, and I knew exactly how to get to where they wanted because that was where I was going.  I decided not to say anything.  I always find that adventures are way more fun if you get lost (in non threatening ways) and I didn’t want to “take that away” from them.

I’ve always enjoyed the idea of going to school somewhere else.  It’s like a way to experience a different world without worrying about getting working in a foreign place (because honestly, it seems just getting a job at home can be hard) or wanting to do something more productive than shopping and visiting monuments (not that it can’t be fun.)  Wanting to be in a new world is probably why I am aiming for international business, the only thing I am confident about pursuing at the moment.  But even then it seems to teeter a bit.

So new arrivals, if you’re reading, enjoy, explore.  I’ve lived here all my life and I still don’t think I’ve seen in all… which begs the question why do I still think that Vancouver can be boring to live in despite loving it?  Maybe it is because I am young and sheltered.  Year 2, here I come.  Time to grow up a little.

“The idea is to die young as late as possible.” – Ashley Montagu