Remember the Olympics back in February? (How could one forget?)

Back then I went to one of the free concerts, Our Lady Peace at the Richmond Ozone to be exact, and there was this really kick ass band that opened for them. I didn’t know that band but their song was so catchy I had to sing along out loud with my friend even though we were just singing whatever we were thought we were hearing. (Which was right… for the most part.) I ended up playlisting them on Youtube for almost 3 weeks.

So they’re at UBC tomorrow.

For once it wasn’t the FREE that caught my attention but “Arkells.” =) check em out if you got time.  Sadly… and very sadly… sad to the point that it was putting a rather large hole in my day today… I have work.  So rock out for me.

Speaking of “free”, there seems to be less free stuff this year on campus.  I have, however, finally landed myself a pair of those green Telus sunglasses.  You know the ones.