Stuff school doesn’t teach you.

Life hacks.  Read it.  Live it.   Haha.

Unfortunately, in these hard midterm times, finding out why pirates wore eye patches was the highlight of my day. See image for the answer =)

(click for non-squished version)


Good luck with the studies everyone.

So busy… again.

I’m finding I am always either pressed for time or have waaay too much of it.  How does the balancing act work anyway?

1st midterm tomorrow so I thought I’d just share my… study music!

On emotionally depressed days: John Mayer
On chilled out mornings:  Jason Mraz
On chilled out afternoons: Arctic Monkeys
On needing some energy boost days: Miyavi, Ok Go
On distracted days: Edith Piaf (or anything in a language I cannot decipher)
On the day after the distracted days: Sinatra
On days of cramming: [insert link for sound of bustle in the SUB followed by sound of low humming in Koerner]

Everything else: start with one random Youtube video, make a playlist of recommended links. Play.

Studies say you should study in the same atmosphere as the testing room, makes sense but oh well.

Just curious, does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Do you study with sound? If so what?