4 down. 1 to go.

Finals that is.

One surprisingly major difference I am noticing between 1st year and 2nd year, despite the content being substantially harder to understand, I’m not studying nearly as hard as I did last year. Last year, during the finals weeks, I practically lived at the public library. 9 am out the door, 7 pm return home, a 1 hour break in the middle for food. I don’t even work that hard during school time…

This year though, I haven’t hit the library. I’ve been studying but I’ve spent a lot of time not studying. Other than the disturbing feeling in my gut telling me “GO STUDY, YOU’RE GOING TO FAIL!!!!” In some ways I already feel like I’m already on break. Looking at it now, what exactly was I doing at the library last year? Practice questions? Note writing? What- what the heck?  I feel like I have nothing to do but read and write the same notes over and over this time around.  Last year I grasped at every second like they were drifting lifesavers in the middle of a stormy ocean. Compared to last year, this year it’s like I’m floating on my back, sure I’m thrashing around the night before exams but otherwise I haven’t become the stressed out mess I was last year.

Am I learning from experience?

I definitely was not more on top of things in terms of keeping up with reading compared to last year.

Maybe I’m just reading faster.

Maybe I’ve stopped caring?

Maybe I did horrible on my exams!!

To the first years: was it more stressful than you thought it would be?

To the non first years:  do you find yourself studying less intensely in your second year?