Sauder Love Affair

In the summer of 2009, before first year, I was at a party with my friends.   We were young and hopeful and talking about what we were going to be up to for the next 4 years.  We went around the circle and when it got to me some friends immediately told me about how business, especially Sauder, changes people.  People change everyday, but Sauder was going to change me into a cold blooded money and status hungry jerk of some sort.  I was told horror stories of fake smiles and false friendships that are made to screw you over.

I’m not saying that Sauder doesn’t do these things, but I’m not saying that they do either.  Like everything, it just depends.  (Don’t you hate that answer?)  Honesty, because I am a business student myself it’s hard to tell.  Every faculty has their stereotype.  Engineers are supposed to be nerds that hang VWs on bridges, Arts are probably on a Mac in a Cafe dressed in skinny jeans, Science is in the library so I don’t know what they look like and Sauderites go to class in suits (actually this point is true.) Everyone else?  Actually, I can’t think of any good ones, let me know if you have any.

Once I bumped into a friend that I hadn’t seen in 6 years at UBC and she asked me what faculty I was in.  I said business and she immediately made a face and then a smirk.  “Oh… you’re in Sauder…”

But I make that face right along with her.

I can’t figure out why.  There is just a bad aura floating around Sauder.  For one, we separated ourselves from the UBC community with our own name, but that is just how business schools roll these days (ie. Rotman.)  I am whole-heartedly thankful for this Mr. Sauder who is making my education possible and he does deserve his name on it, but you can’t deny that it builds a little wall.

I believe I am “doomed” to be changed by my faculty.  Just hanging out with friends in other faculties feel different.  Especially after those days where school, work, home and study is life, suddenly talking to someone who isn’t going through the only things you are exposed to feels extremely foreign.  Actually, it can be quite refreshing too though.  However I do worry if I have “changed” in a bad way.  Stereotypes do come from somewhere…

Fun thing: If you are ever on Granville Island and are passing by Emily Carr, try to find a student in their library on anything that is not a Mac! Good luck!

I must admit, Sauder is helpful in making sure we won't embarrass ourselves in the wrong washroom though =)