Star Gazing at Wreck Beach

Last night I went on a sporadic adventure to Wreck Beach for the first time.  Luckily my friend sort of knew where he was going and had an iPhone sporting Google Maps and the Light app (which is a bright white screen that functions as a flashlight.)

In case anyone was wondering, despite being a nude beach, the number of nude people around at 1 am was 0.  Or perhaps they were there but other than the 2 campfires scattered on the shore it was PITCH BLACK.  Which is why it is a great place to star gaze!  It was a long, dark and at times scary way from where we parked to the beach, and wild life (rats) were about, but when I stepped on the the sand and looked up at what was always there but could never see, it was worth it.

We parked all the way over by Hampton Place because it was the only place we knew where we could park for free.  Does anyone know of any closer ones? (SW Marine Dr is known for free parking but it says no parking between 11 pm – 6 am =/)

If you always wondered what the night sky looks like less some of the light pollution but don’t have the means to make it out to Abbotsford, consider Wreck Beach.  Just remember to bring a flash light!!  The stairs down are steep and are not lit at all.


Perseid meteor shower peaks this year on August 12/13.  There is a full moon out but brighter streaks can be still be seen in the suburban sky.  Hopefully the clouds will stay away.