Just a quick update.

Reason: I suddenly feel very thankful for something about school and needed to share.

I’ve been having a bad week.  Midterm stress, realizing I have an increasingly stop-breathing-ly-harmful fear of public speaking, haven’t played sports in a month and I’m somewhat malnourished.

So amidst this anxiety at 1 am of a Monday while writing up my assignment for advertising class I suddenly realized, that for the first time in university, I was writing for a business class.  Not just some executive summary or a few paragraphs for a part I was responsible for in a group project.  This is a “legit” 3 page single spaced analysis of a print ad (and the chance to create an original print ad =D.)  Somehow getting to write makes me elated.  Arts students may be saying “you crazy fool! Be grateful you don’t have to write these 1928397 page/word/sentence essays!”

I’ve had to write in university before (phil, psyc, eng) but not very seriously for Sauder.  I am on exchange so I could be misguided but 3rd year is a long ways away from 1st and 2nd year.  It feels like I have finally arrived at university instead of standing in the doorway trying to stay awake.