Category Archives: Blog

ETEC 565: E-Portfolio Artifact

Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 2.13.10 PMCreating an e-portfolio was a significant component for the ETEC 565A: Learning Technologies: Selection, Design and Application assignments grade. 

So, rather than linking to specific artifacts created for that course, I’ve provided a link for the course specific e-portfolio site.

Note: In order to come back to this website just click on the  My MET E-Portfolio Site link under the Connect With Me links .

Indigeneity, Technology, and Education

The ETEC 521: Indigeneity, Technology, and Education course was my favourite course in the whole MET program so far. I think it is because the content and ideas presented were completely new to me. If there was one course that I had to recommend to future MET students, this would be it. I thoroughly enjoyed this course.

Our class contributed to the research weblog  to the  research weblog. The weblog archive goes back to 2005, so you can imagine what an expansive collection of Indigenous education and technology resources can be found there. Continue reading

When Technologies Collide…

Infographics and ThingLink

I may be dating my self, but do you remember the old Reese peanut butter cup commercial—”You got chocolate in my peanut butter”? Well, if you do remember it, you will know the main premise is a combination of two things can sometimes produce something else that is really, really cool.

The same is true when infographics are used in combination with ThingLink.  Even though vision is our dominant sense, it alone, is often not enough for teaching and learning.By combining the two technologies, you are able to express ideas and key points more effectively. The combination of video (with audio), explanatory text and links to other resources, the learning becomes layered (encouraging scaffolding of instruction) and encourages an organic style of exploration.

If you are not familiar with using Adobe Illustrator, there are a number of online tools available to create infographics easily. Here are a few which are very intuitive to use: Continue reading

Pinterest for Education

PinterestPinterest has been around for quite some time now. And its been used in education in a number of ways. It’s a great way for educators to collect images, and links to websites in an organized accessible manner. The boards can be shared by e-mail, or by sharing the url. Also  Pinterest boards can be embedded into  HTML pages or linked from the Learning Management System. Continue reading