Database of Religious History

Willis Monroe

In this session, Willis Monroe, Managing Editor of the Database of Religious History (DRH) will present on the creation and behind the scenes work of the DRH. The Database of Religious History is an online collaborative project to collect aspects of religious history throughout time and space. The project relies on entries created by experts in fields of history overseen by a group of editors. All the data is stored in a relational database and made available through a accessible website. Data is primarily recorded on a quantitative level allowing for insight and analysis on the data otherwise not possible. However, every field within the entries has room for qualitative data as well, giving each entry a depth akin to encyclopedia entries. In addition, each entry can serve as its own nexus for scholarly dialog preserving the consensus of the field within the history of the answers.

Facilitator(s): Susan Atkey, Larissa Ringham

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