Webinar on the Digital Scholar Lab – Digital Humanities Without Scripts and Programming?

Join us as for a live webinar on the use of Digital Scholar Lab a promising tool that enables users at any level to perform textual analysis on large corpora of historical texts, streamlining the workflow process to help generate new research insights.   Digital Scholar Lab allows users to apply natural language processing tools to raw text data (OCR) from Gale Primary Sources archives in a single research platform that could not have been done in the past without extensive knowledge of computing languages for querying data such as R or Python.In the past, working with big data for analysis required hurdles to jump before a humanities researcher could conduct text mining and analysis.   Even most out-out-the-box applications still required technical knowledge to install and use command line operations, rendering using them out of the scope for many students and researchers in the humanities.

Enabling a point-and-click approach to link the content sets created within the platform directly with the digital tools to analyze them, the Digital Scholar Lab research environment provides access to powerful text mining tools which are embedded in the dataset curation process and visualization outputs from your analysis.

As UBC Library embarks on a one-month subscription trial of Digital Scholar Lab, we invite you to join us for this webinar on using this tool.

Thursday, October 11, 2018, 12.00pm-1.00pm, Koerner Library, Room 153 (Level One)   Register online at: https://events.library.ubc.ca/dashboard/view/7456 

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