This is a list of sociological thinkers that was created by Mike Goodman (with some input from Tom Conroy and Andrew Miller).
Karl Marx
Life’s not fair, let’s all share!
Emile Durkheim
You get the ankles, I’ll get the wrists.
Max Weber
All work and no play…
Georg Simmel
I feel like I am ze Country Mouse in ze Zitty, Ja?
Jurgen Habermas
Why can’t we all just get along?
Talcott Parsons
I have a diagram that explains EVERYTHING!
Pierre Bourdieu
Kids, stay in school.
Michel Foucault
Er… donnez-moi le gagball.
Erving Goffman
Where’s that #$@%!! waiter?
Jean Baudrillard
Real=fake; life=Disneyland
Robert Merton
Sometimes things happen for bad reasons and sometimes we can’t see the reasons right away.
Herbert Blumer
It’s all in your mind.
Louis Althusser
It’s not in your mind.
C. Levi-Strauss
Myths are cool.
Amitai Etzioni
C’mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, we’ve got to love one another right now.
Clifford Geertz
Ooh, look, a cock fight! How Shakespearean!
Rational Choice Theory
Choose, or lose.
British Cultural Studies
It’s not so bad to spend time in front of the telly.