Author Archives: Valentina

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.

AUS – who did I vote for?

I could write down what I think of all the candidates and a summary of all the information that is out there about each of them – or – I could just tell you who I voted for. I mean, … Continue reading

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Dear Brian Platt,

Your One-Man-Debate + Eleven’ Eleven” Interview + being theĀ AUS Hero of the Day = you have my vote for AUS President!

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AUS Drama

Guillaume (President) puts a motion. Matthew (AMS Rep) interrupts him. Guillame shuts him up. Matthew challenges him. Calls for someone else to take the president’s chair. Mike (candidate for president) declines because he has never done it. Brian (candidate for … Continue reading

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This Week = Crazy Week

Monday IRES, Liu Institute, Forestry & LFS: International Issues in Sustainability – 10:00-12:00 & 2:00-4:00 AERL Auditorium International Food Fair – 5:00 Abdul Ladha Terry Tales – 5:00 Global Lounge AUS Poetry Slam – 6:00 MASS Tuesday International Bzzr Tasting … Continue reading

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Arts Fee Referendum Question

What? Wasn’t the fee thing for commerce students? It turns out that Arts students also get to vote on a -smaller- fee for a building. Why don’t we know about it? Check the UBC Insiders post. It feels like the … Continue reading

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Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

Can’t I be both? Let me begin by saying that I used to be an active pro-choice believer. Yes, I used to be. A woman’s body is a woman’s body, and no one should be able to deny her the … Continue reading

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Representation. re-pre-sen-ta-tion. rep-res-ent-at-ion. r-E-p-r-e-S-e-n-t-a-T-i-on?

How to say it? How to shape it? How to make it work?

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Tic Tac Tax

It’s that time of the year again. Except that doesn’t mean anything to me. Taxes? Yes, we do pay taxes in Guatemala… I guess. The thing is, I’ve never filled out a tax form, and I’m not even talking about … Continue reading

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Once upon a time the AMS…

…voted to eliminate the International Student Representative seat. Actually, it was today. After about an hour of debate the AMS Council decided that having a non-voting international student representative is not the way that they want to engage with international … Continue reading

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International Students, UNITE!

And here we go again… I can’t believe the AMS has another motion to eliminate the International Student Seat. What is happening? I have already expressed how I feel about that – so here is a copy of the email … Continue reading

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