Category Archives: Uncategorized


Merry Christmas everyone!! Have a great time and enjoy it where ever you are :)

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On Obama and Peace

Just a quick note to vent my indignation with Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize… What is wrong with these people? He totally does not deserve it. If you haven’t heard his speech, please take a look at it here. … Continue reading

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Letter to the Arts AMS Council Members

Dear Arts AMS Council Members, My name is Valentina Vargas Ricca and I am an international student from Guatemala. I understand that there is a motion to remove the International Representative Seat from the AMS Council. I have to say … Continue reading

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Go Global update

Carol Zachs, from Go Global, put this comment in response to the Go Global Fiasco post. Please read it, as it offers some useful information about opportunities to travel to African countries as a UBC student. Unfortunately, for a wide … Continue reading

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Vancouver & UBC: first impressions

I know a little girl that always goes around saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression!” soooo… here we go! I absolutly love it. I’ve been in Vancouver for about 36 hours and I keep … Continue reading

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Next stop: Vancouver

I’m heading to Vancouver tomorrow morning and I’m terrified. I know it’s a great city, and that I’m going to have A LOT of fun, but I can’t keep that little voice in my head from thinking “what if I … Continue reading

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10 days and counting

I’m officially nervous. Jump Start begins the 17th of August and time is flying. Has it really been five months since I accepted my offer? wow. It feels like less than a space between two words. But still, here I … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, International, Uncategorized | 7 Comments