AUS – who did I vote for?

I could write down what I think of all the candidates and a summary of all the information that is out there about each of them – or – I could just tell you who I voted for.

I mean, I’m not VFM and I do have a crazy busy week

Besides, I’ve found out that the vast majority of my friends aren’t really interested in knowing who the candidates are but rather who to vote for. Sad – I know – but true.


President: Brian Platt

VP Internal: Elysia Pyne – Yes

VP External: Mary Leong

VP Admin: Laura Manyari – Yes

VP Finance: Obi-Wan Kenobi – No

VP Academic: Pelican Mann

General Officer: Not voted yet

AMS Rep: Rory, Michael & Jordan

Senator: Kristian Arciaga

Fee: No – Not because I don’t think it’s important to make the new Arts space but because I think the AUS needs to work harder and manage better our current fees before it can ask for more money.

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Dear Brian Platt,

Your One-Man-Debate + Eleven’ Eleven” Interview + being the AUS Hero of the Day = you have my vote for AUS President!

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AUS Drama

Guillaume (President) puts a motion.

Matthew (AMS Rep) interrupts him.

Guillame shuts him up.

Matthew challenges him. Calls for someone else to take the president’s chair.

Mike (candidate for president) declines because he has never done it.

Brian (candidate for president) saves the day.

… and the council continues to debate on how to spend the thousands of dollars that it gets from student fees.

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This Week = Crazy Week


IRES, Liu Institute, Forestry & LFS: International Issues in Sustainability – 10:00-12:00 & 2:00-4:00 AERL Auditorium

International Food Fair – 5:00 Abdul Ladha

Terry Tales – 5:00 Global Lounge

AUS Poetry Slam – 6:00 MASS


International Bzzr Tasting – 5:00 Thea’s Lounge

Hotel Rwanda – 7:00 Norm

AUS Dance-mocracy w/ Said the Whale – 7:30 Chan Center


AUS Pancake Breakfast – 8:00 MASS

Paul Rusesabagina – 12:00 Chan Center

Africa Awareness Initiative Cultural Night – 6:00 Liu Institute

AUS Party in the MoA – 7:00 MoA


International  Student Learning – 12:30 Abdul Ladha


International Week Grand Performance – 7:00 SUB Ballroom


Eurofest 2010 – 8:00 Pit

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Arts Fee Referendum Question


Wasn’t the fee thing for commerce students?

It turns out that Arts students also get to vote on a -smaller- fee for a building.

Why don’t we know about it? Check the UBC Insiders post. It feels like the failure of the AUS this year went far beyond a sucky Arts Week.

And, honestly, how many people are going to vote in the $60,000 elections? 1500? It sounds unlikely.

When I came to UBC one of the first promises I heard from Dean Gallini was that of a new space for Arts Students. It sounds great, it looks great. But it won’t happen.


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Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

Can’t I be both?

Let me begin by saying that I used to be an active pro-choice believer. Yes, I used to be.

A woman’s body is a woman’s body, and no one should be able to deny her the right of doing what she wants to do with it. How people can even consider making abortion illegal in countries where rape is a tactic of war, I don’t know. Is it fair for a generation of mothers and children to carry the history of violence that created them?

If we say that war is legal, how can we condemn abortion?

If we make sexual education illegal/immoral (as it is in many countries), how can we condemn abortion?

If we don’t help people who need help, how can we deny them the right to decide what is better for them?

Abortion should be made legal until every single person in this huge world is not only sexually educated but fully educated. How can you tell a single mother of five living in the slums of say, Port-au-Prince, that she has to carry, give birth to and provide for a child that was the result of rape and violence?

If you want to condemn abortion, then first condemn poverty, violence, sexism, ignorance, health systems, religious oppression, neocolonialism, war, capitalism and all the other myriad of factors that make our society what it is.

But… I did say I used to be pro-choice.

What happened?

Well… today, back home, I have a sister that is turning three. She is what made me change, teaching me to love life more than anything else in the whole world.

I’m not proud to say that I had to live the birth of a baby to understand the infinite beauty of life. But it’s true.

I am now pro-life. But that doesn’t mean I am not pro-choice.

To answer my own question: yes, I can be both. I can be pro-life and pro-choice at the same time. And I am.

In fact, I believe that no one can be only pro-choice or only pro-life. You can’t be completely pro-life until you understand what it means to be pro-choice and you can’t be completely pro-choice until you understand what it is to be pro-life.

And while I applaud the people that were protesting by the knoll today, some pro-choice and some pro-life, I urge them to put themselves in the shoes of the other ones.

If you are pro-life, take a moment to imagine yourself raped, not only physically but mentally. Raped not only by a man who forces himself into you, but also by all the people who think they can tell you what you have to do with your body. Is that the life you are pro-life for?

If you are pro-choice, experience pregnancy, and childhood, think about what it means to create life, to give birth. Maybe go to a school or an orphanage and live the happiness that children bring to our world. Think about what the choice in pro-choice could have meant for many of those children.

You’ll soon see that you can’t be pro-life without being pro-choice. And you can’t be pro-choice without being pro-life.

Which one are you?

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Representation. re-pre-sen-ta-tion. rep-res-ent-at-ion. r-E-p-r-e-S-e-n-t-a-T-i-on?

How to say it? How to shape it? How to make it work?

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Tic Tac Tax

It’s that time of the year again.

Except that doesn’t mean anything to me. Taxes? Yes, we do pay taxes in Guatemala… I guess.

The thing is, I’ve never filled out a tax form, and I’m not even talking about a Canadian tax form.

Fortunately for me, and for all those international students with no idea of what to do with their tax forms in the SSC, I.House has a really helpful program called UBC TACS.

All you have to do is set up an appointment here, print out some forms, go to I.House, watch them fill out everything for you, ask a few questions about all those papers (maybe in three years you’ll understand how it works!) and send a big envelope to somewhere in Ontario.

And I haven’t even written the best part… You might end up receiving money back from the government!

AMAZING, I know.

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Once upon a time the AMS…

…voted to eliminate the International Student Representative seat.

Actually, it was today.

After about an hour of debate the AMS Council decided that having a non-voting international student representative is not the way that they want to engage with international students.

Well… I have to say that I am deeply dissapointed.

If they had a plan about how to engage with international students, maybe this wouldn’t look so bad. But this seat was a starting point with the potential of becoming a central point.

But it’s done and it’s time to look to other options.

There is an increased interest in creating a truly represented interntional student community at UBC, and this year has seen a lot of talk around it.

I say we work with the ISA.

What do you say?

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International Students, UNITE!

And here we go again…

I can’t believe the AMS has another motion to eliminate the International Student Seat. What is happening?

I have already expressed how I feel about that – so here is a copy of the email that the International Student Rep (Brittany) is asking students to send to their faculty reps on council:

Dear Councillor,

I am writing to you in regards to the upcoming motion to remove the International Student Seat from the AMS council. As international students we face a unique set of issues which we do not feel can be adequately represented by a faculty representative alone. The international student community composes a near 15% of all UBC undergraduates, but despite numerous calls for UBC to truly commit to diversity and democracy within the AMS, this community has had its voice muted by equally numerous actions and motions (such as this Wednesday’s motion) which constrict our ability to enact tangible change at a policy level.
Diversity has been touted by the university as one of the central underpinnings of UBC policy, yet if this move to eliminate the International Student Seat passes on Wednesday it will throw such bragging into the light and expose it as nothing but unfulfilled words, backed by nothing but resistance and opposition from the very people who are meant, as the AMS mission statement goes, to be improving “the quality of the educational, social, and personal lives of the students of UBC.”
Please vote against Wednesday’s motion to abolish the International Student Seat! Having this seat IS important to the international student community.

Thank you for your time and support.

Brittany is also asking students to show their support by going to this Wednesday’s AMS Council Meeting at 6:00 in the SUB, room 206. If you can make it, please show up, and you don’t have to be international to care!

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