Blog #8 Food Supply

An interesting section of The Globe and Mail raises an issue with the ignorance of our food supply. The food that we eat comes from all over the world, and most of us don’t even know where it comes from. We are uninformed about who and where our food is produced and if it is inspected. The government only inspects 1% of the food imported. May that have a relationship as to why Canadians suffer 11 million food borne illnesses in a year? This is an ethical question that must be asked. If the government traced the origins of the food, and had more inspection and standards imposed on the imported foods, then much sadness could be avoided. According to the selection in the newspaper, the US Food and Drug Administration “found that traceability adds as little as 1%to the cost of a food product”. As a consumer, I take the standpoint that the meager amount of 1% additional cost can be sacrificed, and that inspections should be more heavily imposed. With the world being attacked by more and more disasters, either financial, natural etc…, a simple act on the government’s part could make a difference in protecting its citizens. This is an ethical question with a simple answer.

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