Website Update + New Semester!

Dear reader,

The summer is coming to a cloud-daubed end, and we are brimming with anticipation for the new school year. The new winter semester will come with new schedules, new stresses, new smells, and new students! Which (hopefully) means new Roots on the Roof club members and volunteers.

If you are a prospective volunteer and/or member and reading this, thank you for reading our blog! You are the reason I wanted to have this site revamped by the end of September. If you are anyone else, thank you for reading our blog also!

Prior to this summer, our website had not been updated since 2021. I have now removed many older pages, but the Start Gardening tab (subject to changes) in Resources is still from that period. Here are the contents of our old site for anyone who wishes to refer to it.

As our winter squashes ripen and our tomatoes play the summer out, we face the changing weather with harvest hope!

See you by the compost bins,

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