There are four separate types of feedback and evaluation that school advisors are expected to give over the course of the various practicum experiences:
Oral and written anecdotal reports (not on official UBC forms) given directly to the teacher candidate on a regular basis throughout the practicum.
Weekly written evaluation reports on official UBC forms should be given to the teacher candidate, with copies given to the faculty advisor for the teacher candidate’s official practicum file.
Mid-point evaluation report (extended practicum only):
This report, including the performance checklist, should be completed individually by every member of the practicum triad (the teacher candidate, school advisor(s) and faculty advisor); the contents of these reports should be discussed in a formal triad meeting which occurs during Week 4-5 of the extended practicum.
School Orientation Practicum forms:
At the end of the initial practicum experiences – EDUC 315 (all programs) and EDUC 321/323 (Elementary/Middle Years only) – there is an official evaluation form. All school advisors are required to complete this form for their teacher candidate at the end of each experience. These forms can be obtained from the Required Forms section of this website.
Final reports (extended practicum only):
Near the end of the extended practicum, the school advisor(s) and faculty advisor will begin the process of writing their final reports for the teacher candidate; these will be accompanied by a final performance checklist. The contents of these draft reports are shared with the teacher candidate at a final triad meeting which occurs during Week 9-10 of the extended practicum. Although teacher candidates are encouraged to provide input prior to these draft reports being written, this final meeting will allow them an opportunity to discuss any concerns which they may have prior to the reports being finalized (e.g., missing information, spelling errors, etc.).
The final report should reflect and summarize reports written (or stated verbally) throughout the extended practicum. There should be no surprises; all conclusions drawn should be based on previous observations. Moreover the teacher candidate should have heard about his or her strengths and weaknesses long before the final report.
Note: while it is the teacher candidate’s right to suggest revisions to the draft final reports, the final decision regarding the content of the final report rests with the school advisor(s).