Who’s that chick?

Hi everyone!

It’s that time of the month again- blog post time. I struggled for a while to try and figure out what it was that I would talk about in this post. There are so many things still left to be said about this program and my experience with it. But how did it all begin?

Born and raised in Vancouver, I made the decision to go to UBC after turning down an offer to go to the Ivey school at the University of Western Ontario. I ended up majoring in Political Science, not for a career but for the knowledge and curiosity that the subject gave me. I loved my undergraduate experience, but it lacked the practical knowledge and skills I craved to find a career for myself.

I want to stress that I was never one of those kids who inherently knew what they wanted to be when they grew up (I’m pretty sure I wanted to be a pediatrician to teddy bears). I took aptitude testing time and time again to help me try to narrow down what it is I could be, but nothing really sunk in. The best part of this is that at UBC continuing studies, when I paid hundreds of dollars for career suggestions through testing, they came up with florist. Yes, the one career path that doesn’t require even a high school education was what they determined was right for me. Needless to say, I needed some help.

Enter the MM program- something I had become aware of in 3rd year. I ended up taking a year off between graduation and entering the MM program, but I don’t regret my decision for one second. This program has given me that confidence and self-awareness that I lacked a mere 9 months ago.

Who knows, maybe one day I’ll have a floral empire.
Until next time,

Julia Shepherd

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