Change of Perspective

I’ve been following Serena Bonneville on her blog “Change of Perspective” since she first started it in 2013. Some of her writing is hilarious while other writing is deeply reflective. She constantly refers to old movies. Most of all, her outlook on life is incredibly optimistic. Her personal strength and grateful attitude amazes and inspires me.

This was a quote from Serena that rung with me: “Regardless of how it ends, a life spent fighting cancer really sucks; but it makes life spent before the fight all the more meaningful. Every happy moment magnified, every grudge forgotten and the love, unconditional.”

Oh yeah… she was diagnosed with leukemia when she started her blog and is currently receiving chemotherapy treatment. Does that suddenly jolt you awake?

She’s only a year or two older than me. She used to play soccer, was elected a leader in her school community and did well in school. The closeness of all this strikes me. The more I read, the more I got to get a glimpse of what Serena was going through. My perspective had also changed. I keep reading now because the way she’s handling things so well yet also admitting weakness that her body is physically struggling is inspiring.

So I highly recommend you check out her blog

Another inspiring blogger writes at   although Kieran hasn’t written a new post in a while. 

Here is the message that I hear from those who shared their stories online: we all should appreciate our happiness now and when hardships happen, fight with all we have.

“But when you’re sick, you fight through it all, because you have to; because when you reach the end, it won’t be a miracle, it will be a triumph.” Serena

Cute and funny video set to one of my favourite running songs: What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

Do you know of any other inspiring young fighters, not limited to cancer?  Comment below. 


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