You were feeling on top of the world after you strutted out of your second to last final examination. You had the right to be happy because you’ve only got one more to go. Happy, your friends grab you and you all felt confident and prepared about the exam you just finished.
Fast forward to night time. You’ve just gotten home after a 14 hour day: at school, at various appointments and commitments, and a huge chunk of time with your blessing/curse public transit. You log onto your calculus class’ discussion board and discover that you may be very very behind your classmates in studying for your last exam.
Perhaps some thoughts that pop up in your head:
- I am going to fail.
- I’ll be at the bottom of the curve.
- I’ll never catch up.
Squash these negative thoughts.
Instead tell yourself:
- I’ve come really far.
- I can rock this if I work hard starting now.
- This is the best that I can give. – Cut yourself some slack if you’ve writing a whole bunch of exams in a short period of time. You weren’t able to prepare too much for this last one but hey, you’ve been busy!
- I don’t need to compare myself to others. Maybe they don’t have an exam until the 21st. You had your first exam two full weeks before they did. Everyone’s situation is different so don’t compare.
- I’m going to do MY best and my best is different from someone else’s best. My best may be worse than someone else’s best or better.
- Everything is going to be alright.
Best wishes to you all!