Lessons learned:
- Word limits are hard to stay under!
- Read the 152 page review BEFORE you read papers separately. Once you’ve read the individual papers, you won’t enough energy left. Update: I still haven’t read all of this yet. Sigh.
Thankful Friday:
- I arrived late to Biology and sat on the floor. Later in the lecture, my professor walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to sit in a chair. #embarrassing
- In chemistry, Dr. Crane made nylon right in front of our eyes! Chemistry is so cool!!!
- Alyssa saved my butt by lending me her phone to answer Learning Catalytics questions (Physic 117’s version of iClickers). Thanks girl!!
- In Physics, we calculated the density of the universe that would cause the universe to collapse in itself – the reverse of the Big Bang known as the “Big Crunch”. If you mess up your calculation, you will feel terrified. If you calculate correctly, you wouldn’t be so terrified.
- The UBC Math Club sold all of their MATH 102 exam packs before I got there at noon. I hope that the Math Club will produce and sell more next week. I’m el cheapo when it comes to a lot of things but when it comes to exam packs, I tend to spend without my usual hesitation.
- Fun lunch with Misaki and Sisi in Irving. When Sisi was debating whether to go Black Friday shopping, Misaki was the devil on the shoulder.
- Dr. Fox made English class funny and enjoyable as usual. Class breezed by quickly.
- Done for the day! Alyssa was headed for the pharmacy building so I walked with her. A brisk walk on a rain-less afternoon while having an unbeatable conversation with a friend is a pretty great way to spend time unwinding after classes.
- Clocked in three hours of biology and chemistry study time at the pharmacy building. I love huge windows so I grabbed an empty table by the window and spread all my papers and notes and pens.
- Bus ride home was slow.
- Spent time talking to my grandmother who is awesome and goes out of her way to help other people.
- Mom and I talked about how proud I was when I gave my first paycheck to my mom and then my second paycheck to my grandfather. She told me about how she saved up her first paychecks to buy a table for her parents. When I was younger, I always had a goal that when I become a grown-up (whenever/if ever that is supposed to be), I want to be able to provide for my parents and grandparents. My parents and grandparents likely won’t need me because they all live frugally and don’t care much for material possessions. But all of them have sacrificed and done so much for me that as a child/grandchild, I want to be able to thank those who once took care of me by taking care of them. 🙂
Have a great weekend!