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Unit 1:

Definitions Assignment & Peer Review

This assignment asks us to write three definitions of the same term: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition on your writing team forum board.

After receiving comments from my peers, I revised my definition assignment, please see this attachment:ENGL301-Shujunpeng-Revided-Definition-Assignment-1.3)

Revised Peer Review of Definitions Assignment: Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

Unit 2:

Formal Report Proposal + Survey & Peer Review

The objective of the formal report proposal is to choose an original topic particular to our own experience and researchable through objective observation, interviews, and/or surveys. The formal report proposal must follow a problem/solution pattern of organization, it can be either a “comparative report” or ” a feasibility report” or a “casual report”. Mine is the feasibility report: Revised 301-Shujunpeng-Formal-Proposal

And Revised Survey: RevisedPurchasing-Wheelchair-Attachable-Shopping-Carts-in-at-DaRunFa-Grocery-store-in-Shanghai-Survey-2

Revised Peer Review: Revised Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal

Unit 3:

Writing with You Attitude Memo to Evan Crisp & Complaint letter and Response letter

The objective of Writing with You Attitude Memo is to practice avoiding pronouns in writing. We might be tempted to use “You” in writing when we are giving suggestions to others, however, the use of pronouns might make readers feel judged. This is my revised Writing with You Attitude Memo (based on my peer’s comments): Revised Writing with You Attitude Memo

The objective of the Complaint Letter and Response letter is to file a complaint effectively–not just to vent our frustration, but to write in a way that will receive a positive response. Similarly, we may find ourselves on the opposite side of this situation, if we received a complaint, what should we do?

Revised Complaint Letter and Response Letter

Unit 4 :

Application Package & Formal Report

The objective of the application package is to help us familiar with the format of the cover letters, resumes, and letters requesting references (please see my individual page of Application Package). Here’s my revised peer review of Application Package :

Revised Peer Review of Application Package

The objective of the Formal Report is to provide recommendations that can solve a particular issue that exists in a company or an organization. The Formal Report completes the Formal Report completes the proposal.

Here’s my Formal Report: 301 ShujunPeng Formal Report

Here’s my Revised Peer Review of Formal Report Revised Peer Review of Formal Report

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