
Hi! I am Siddhartha Gupta. I’m a 4th-year international student majoring in Science and specializing in Computer Science.  I’m 3 courses away from completing my degree. Computer Science is a fairly broad field that originated from multiple disciplines and continues to expand with more innovation. 

My academic interest is in the Internet Of Things. My interest in this field arose in high school when I did a robot project in 10th grade, which was able to send data wirelessly to its users. This project got me intrigued about the potential of an interconnected future. It helped realize the untapped potential of internet-based products and appliances. It was then I decided that I wanted to pursue a degree in computer science. 

My professional interest is Software Engineering. This sector has the most opportunities and is more product and market focused. My Capstone course was when I realized that I wanted to do software engineering. Our group was appointed to develop a website for the company Associated Engineering. We were tasked with optimizing and developing an internal hiring process. Working with Databases, SQL and Python to generate data, I learned how to be an effective database manager.  I also learned to manage interpersonal conflict by implementing a system of delegation.

I regularly like to participate in Coding competitions at Leetcode, AtCoder and Codeforces. I enjoy working on problems that challenge my understanding of Data Structures And Algorithms. There is also a rush that comes with solving a difficult problem in a limited time. Going through those stress-filled 24 hours has often brought me and my friends closer together.