Unit 3 Reflection



The third unit of English technical writing class was incredibly challenging but taught me a lot. In this class we focused on writing documents pitched to the reader of the document; writing with a “You” perspective. In addition, we used the “You” attitude for the following: wrote an email memo providing feedback to a student’s letter to staff, writing of business letters, formal report, and review of a formal report. 

Writing a critique on someone’s email message using the “You” attitude, was a real tightrope walk for me. Maintaining the harmony between giving honest feedback but not coming off as harsh was difficult. However, this experience definitely helped me grow and I believe it will be incredibly beneficial in the long run. 

In the realms of software engineering, individuals have varying expectations concerning; code quality, documentation of code, length of code and efficiency of work. Due to this assignment, I am in a better position to provide other people with constructive and informative criticism.  

The Complaint Letter and a Bad News Letter with a “You” perspective, was meant to improve our skill in “delivering of bad news” while being considerate of the other person’s feelings and awareness of the necessity of not trampling on one’s pride.

From drafting a formal report, I learnt how to adequately write a report. It is very easy to get overwhelmed by a Big Task like this. I found myself often missing the forest for the woods.  However, this is where the outline exercise became a lifesaver, I learnt that if I follow an outline I would not feel as lost. I tried to systematically pace myself which gave me plenty of time.

The statement of the problem allowed me to concisely state the issues that I aim to solve. Given that I stated the problem, in the beginning, my writing became much more focused and specific. This was a huge help since I have the tendency to go tangential to my objective.

After that I looked at each communication channel; frequency of usage, efficiency in communication and specific communication needs. I realized simply trying to enumerate the following things led to some epiphanies about patterns I hadn’t noticed. It also led me to ask questions about the data I had not thought of before. After enumerating the numbers I went back and counted efficiency scores based on the modal purpose we found.  Regardless, the biggest takeaway was once again seeing the big picture. Seeing all the facts together, allowed me to make more sensible recommendations and conclusions.

Soon enough, I reviewed Matthew’s report. Deriving from my experience, from the past two units, I first read his report passively and then noted down my observation before actively parsing through the report to identify areas of improvement. Doing so allowed me to understand the “YOU” perspective of my report. Since his report was written for the board of directors of Attack Volleyball this exercise required me to change gears from the usual review assignments we have done. I now had to think from their perspective.

First Draft Attached Below:


Unit 2 Reflection



The second unit of English technical writing class focused heavily on writing technical documents which are both practical and useful for the industry. This unit consisted of; writing a draft proposal, researching best practices for creating a LinkedIn Profile, creating a LinkedIn Profile, writing an outline for a Formal Report and peer-reviewing a Linked-In Profile.

Up until this unit, I had passively read through a lot of articles on how to improve my LinkedIn Profile. However, the Memo assignment helped give me the motivation to finally summarize and synthesize my research. Leading to affirmative action on developing my profile, instead of, going into analysis-paralysis. Which often led me to procrastinate and put off improving my writing.

Writing a summary for a LinkedIn Profile gave me an excellent opportunity to self reflect. Helping to work towards recognizing and appreciating the knowledge and skills which I have gained through my time at UBC. Furthermore, through my self-reflection, I came to realize that I need to have a greater depth, rather than breadth of experience.

Whilst working on my summary I found writing about computer science is challenging due to the variety of jargon that exists in the field. This is especially true when writing about my software engineering projects which often required an understanding of technical terms and experience, to comprehend. However, through the course, I have been introduced to the process of picking out the skills I learned or demonstrated from each of my experiences then, elaborating on them simplistically. But I believe that I still have to work on this task and with time develop a more complete profile

In addition, reading through Cody’s LinkedIn profile helped me improve my own. It helped see what he did that caught my eye or worked and then apply it to my profile, in my own words and thoughts of course. Sometimes his areas of improvement also provided insight into where I could better my profile

Writing a research proposal and outline helped me describe the various issues and concerns that could potentially occur with communication channels. Helped me visualize the process that lay ahead. This gave me clarity about what I wanted to achieve with the formal report.

As with Cody’s LinkedIn profile, Mathew’s proposal was on a topic starkly different than my own. This once again lent me insights and unique perspectives on how I could improve my own proposal.

I am worried about the effectiveness of my surveys due to cultural reasons. Although I have made it clear the surveys would be anonymous, I am not sure if people will be completely honest about the effectiveness of the communication systems. I have tried not to lead the participants on for ethical reasons but also to disarm them. If asked directly about the problems in their communication system, they would be less inclined to speak honestly.

In conclusion, Unit 2 was a productive writing experience and enhanced my writing skills. Thanks for reading my Unit 2 blog reflection. I am open to any suggestions and feedback.

301 Siddharhta Gupta Updated Propasal

Peer Review of Siddhartha Gupta’s Research Proposal

Unit 1 Reflection Blog


This first unit was an incredibly enjoyable introduction to the process we will be following for other assignments in the coming term. This first unit consisted of writing a letter, memo, definition and peer-reviewing the definition of our teammate. My reflection will include my learning experience in writing definitions, peer reviewing and editing of my definition of A/B testing.

Writing the definition was a great lesson in writing precisely for the intended audience. Knowing a lot more about  A/B testing compared to my intended audience created two problems.

Firstly, when writing my sentence definition I grappled keeping my definition concise and excluding jargon. Knowing the topic well had become a hindrance, not help since knowing the vastness of the A/B testing made it difficult to decide with aspects to omit in the sentence definition. For example, at first, I had included a sentence about the statistical method used when comparing two samples in A/B testing. Since this is an important part of the testing process. Without it, to me, the definition felt incomplete and inaccurate. However, with it the sentence had now become a small paragraph, which seemed to defeat the purpose of a sentence definition. This is where having a specific audience and situation helped. I realized that likely the small business did not need to know nor would they be interested in the statistical approach used in A/B testing. 

Secondly, already knowing a lot about the topic can make it difficult to put oneself in the position of someone who knows little. With my expanded definition, I found it hard to know where to begin. Once again knowing how vast this topic had become a hurdle, the curse of knowledge.

The framework given to us in the textbook was a huge lifesaver, helped narrow down the choices of aspects and gave direction from where to begin

Peer reviewing Mathew’s work was quite insightful since it helped me understand the mindset of a non-technical reader. First I simply read the definition, not thinking about giving feedback and without reading the framework. Paradoxically it seemed easiest to find areas for improvement and see what the writer did well when I was not actively looking for it. After taking note of these things I read through the textbook and framework. Now I could start putting reasons into the sentences and words that stood out. Once I was able to figure out the “Why”,  I was in a better position to give recommendations to improve. In addition, the framework really helped me look in places where I had not looked before, in my first read-through. For example, I hadn’t given the visual much thought but the framework helped me look at it more closely. It was then I realized that it was clear what the different stages in the cycle were. Peer review helped me to provide suggestions in a constructive and friendly tone.

The last step of this process was changing and improving my work based on the feedback I was given by my teammate. Keeping with the strategy I had with my previous components I first read through my own work with fresh eyes. Whilst reading it I took note of sentences that felt too long or did not sound right. After reading Mathew’s feedback I saw that we agreed on a few things, which helped me improve further. 

I agree with his assessment that my sentences often ran too long and felt choppy. He gave examples but I was able to find more now that I knew what I was looking for.  In addition, the similarity of my headings and subheadings jumped out to me too.

I also removed the etymology section since it did not add value to the reader. Although interesting I don’t think it helped further the understanding of A/B testing beyond what was given in the sentence definition. Secondly, I also noticed I had used conjunction a few times and this is not appropriate for a document that requires a formal tone   

The assignments are included below:

Original Definition

Peer Review For Matthew

Peer Review From Matthew


Write 3 Definitions




The purpose of this assignment is to teach the importance of definitions in bridging the gap in communication between people of differing technical understanding. This may be between a client and business or between members on the same team.


The assignment requires us to choose a technical term within our chosen industry and write three kinds of definitions, (a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded). This definition needs to be written with a specific audience and tailored to a situation we set.


My Situation: I’m outlining in detail how I plan on improving online sales/orders of a small business bakery. A/B testing will be a large part of determining whether changes to the website are having the desired effects on online sales.


My Audience: The business owners who are a middle-aged couple who run the shop. 


Parenthetical Definition

Often A/B testing (experiment with two versions of a variable) can lead to valuable insights.


Sentence Definition 

A/B testing is a testing methodology that compares two variants, champion(old) and challenger, of the same variable. This is achieved by randomly assigning users to either of the versions of the variables and then monitoring performance/metrics.


Expanded version


The A in A/B Testing refers to the old version or champion variable whilst B is the new version or challenger variable being tested to see if it will perform better(Unbounce).


History of AB Testing:

One way to test products and advertisements is to release it and hope for the best. However, this strategy is both time-consuming and expensive. In 1923, Claude Hopkins forever revolutionized this field through his book Scientific Advertising. He advocated that testing the product directly with the consumers is much cheaper and less time-consuming than having long discussions about features(Hopkins, page number needed).  Hopkins is widely believed to be the father of split testing and is regarded as the first person to use coupon-based customer tracking; using key coded coupons to track customers and test the effects of different headlines and offers. 



A/B testing can be used to test a variety of different hypotheses. Generally speaking, this style of testing is used to test the consumer’s response to a product. The designing, marketing, sales and IT team may choose to test, at large, either the User Experience Design or User Interface Design(Kolowich, 2020). User Experience Design focuses on how the consumer feels about the product or service(Lampretch, 2019). For instance, Writers for a website may test out two different headlines or slogans to see which brings in more users. 

Whereas, User Interface Design focuses on changes in certain changes on the website that makes the user feel(Lampretch, 2019).  Graphic designers might use this in order to test the effectiveness of a colour scheme or layout for a button. Often even the smallest changes can make a big difference.

Web Developers might use A/B testing in order to test new features they’ve added to a website. These are only some of the uses or ways A/B testing can be applied.


Compare and Contrast:

A/B testing is different from Multivariable or multi-page testing.  A/B testing focuses on two versions of one variable on one page, often the original and new. 


However, in multivariable testing, the experiment tests more than two versions of one variable or sometimes multiple versions of more than one variable. Despite their differences multivariable and a/b testing are often limited to one page, unlike multi-page testing which involves changes across multiple pages. (Apptimize, 2018)

(Apptimize, 2018)


It is important to note the larger number of changes being tested the more difficult and time consuming it is since more traffic will be needed in order to accurately test the effectiveness of each change.



This is an example of how a minor aesthetic change can increase business. Francis Shovlin(1) wanted to improve the use of the A/B test methodology in order to see which button led to more clicks.

(Gabbert, 2020)

Half the users were shown the Original Button (A) and half the users were shown the new button (B). The experiment lasted seven weeks during which the total visitors to each variation and total clicks on each button were recorded. This led to an increase from 18.34% to 20.38% in conversation rate; the percentage of visitors to the site who asked for a quote(Gabbert, 2020).


Works Cited


Apptimize. “When to Use Multivariate Testing vs. AB Testing.” Apptimize, Airship, 10 Sept. 2018, apptimize.com/blog/2018/09/multivariate-testing-vs-ab-testing/.

Burstein, Daniel. “Eight Lessons from the Father of Data-Obsessed Marketing.” MarketingExperiments, MECLABS, 6 June 2016, marketingexperiments.com/digital-analytics/data-lessons-claude-hopkins.

Gabbert, Elisa. “24 Of the Most Surprising A/B Tests of All Time.” WordStream, WordStream, 7 Feb. 2020, www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2012/09/25/a-b-testing#Lyons.


Kolowich, Lindsay. “How to Do A/B Testing: A Checklist You’ll Want to Bookmark.” How to Do A/B Testing: A Checklist You’ll Want to Bookmark, Hubspot, 13 Apr. 2020, blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-do-a-b-testing.

Truong, Sylvain. “The Art of A/B Testing.” Medium, Towards Data Science, 3 Oct. 2018, towardsdatascience.com/the-art-of-a-b-testing-5a10c9bb70a4.

Unbounce. “What Is A/B Testing? A/B Tests Explained (with Examples).” Unbounce, Unbounce, 20 May 2020, unbounce.com/landing-page-articles/what-is-ab-testing/.

Link: Siddhartha_Gupta_Write_3_Definitions

Email Responses


From: siddhero97@gmail.com

To: genevieve.bolduc@gmail.com

Date:27th May

Subject: Invitation to team formation

Dear Genevieve,

After reading your application letter, I realized that we have a lot in common. For instance, we are both interested in algorithms. 

I also appreciate having reliable partners. Unreliable teammates can often increase the workload for the team. Lastly, I value your honesty regarding your ability to reply. I understand your expectations regarding response times and think they’re completely fair considering your extra-curricular workload.

In conclusion, I believe we’d make a good team. I have attached my application letter. If you feel like you would like to team-up, do not hesitate to contact me.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Best Regards,

Siddhartha Gupta

 Attachment To Application Letter

From: siddhero97@gmail.com

To: matthew.david.derose@gmail.com

Date:27th May

Subject: Invitation to team formation

Dear Mathew,

I am impressed by your job experience and research prowess. I believe your research skills will be a great addition to our team. It’ll help when we’re trying to understand our audience. In addition, I believe your experience with East Asian Markets will complement my experience from living in China.

Your weakness using visual aids or graphs in writing will not be an issue since I have taken CPSC 436V (Information Visualization). In this course, we looked extensively at the different forms of information representation and their appropriate use. In addition, researching and writing about social, political and cultural factors is an area I don’t have much experience in. Hopefully, as a team, we might learn a lot from each other.

In conclusion, I believe we’d make a good team. I have attached my application letter if after reading it you also want to team up with me please reach out to me.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Best Regards,

Siddhartha Gupta

 Attachment To Application Letter

From: siddhero97@gmail.com

To: cody.gagnon@alumni.ubc.ca

Date:27th May

Subject: Invitation to team formation

Dear Cody,

After reading your application letter, I am convinced that you’d be the perfect candidate for our team. I strongly believe your experience in business communication will be a great addition to our team. You’ll be able to provide valuable insight by drawing from that experience.

Your focus on team communication and making sure to keep up with deadlines will fit right in. In addition, your experience as a Professor teaching others to be good business communicators will be invaluable for our team. I also use Google Calendar for organization and appreciate your online availability. Since the other possible members also put great emphasis on them. 

In conclusion, I believe we’d make a good team. I have attached my application letter if after reading it you also want to team up with me please reach out to me.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Best Regards,

Siddhartha Gupta

 Attachment To Application Letter



To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Siddhartha Gupta

Date: May 22, 2020

Subject: Application Letter


As mentioned within the Course Schedule, the letter of application is attached as a word document on the blog. This can be found at the end of the memo. 

My application is written for the class of ENGL 301. The main aim of this letter is to show why I would be an excellent member of a team to my potential teammates. 

My application highlights the points below:

  • My academic experience 
  • My strengths
  • My weakness
  • My learning philosophy

The application is attached below. I am open to feedback regarding improvements that I could have made to my letter. I am available through either email siddhero97@gmail.com  or phone 2363343290


Best Regards, 

Siddhartha Gupta


Enclosed: 301-Siddhartha-Gupta-Application-Letter

Application Letter


2816 West King Edward Ave

Vancouver, BC,

V6L 1T9


May 22nd 2020


English 301 Class,Summer Session 1, 2020

University of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC,

V6T 1Z1


Attention: Excellent Writers In English 301

For my future potential group members,

Hi! I write this letter to explain both my writing strengths and weaknesses, so that we may supplement each other, and henceforth improve our writing skills.

I have worked on a Capstone project with 7 team members and external stakeholders. I had to focus on the priorities of the various stakeholders and I had to develop my arguments.This has put me in a position to collaborate with other people. I have learnt how to use Slack channels and Discord groups to strengthen communication and increase clarity and understanding within the team.

I have a lot of experience developing User Manuals, which has taught me a variety of skills that I consider my writing strengths.One must keep these documents engaging to maintain the attention of the reader. Henceforth, I learnt how to use a variety of vocabulary, to make it interesting for the reader to follow along. In addition,user manuals must also illustrate various procedures for the proper use of a product. From this, I have learned to use adequately descriptive language. 

Another strength is my multicultural background.I have lived in India, China and Malaysia. This has made me more empathetic of other people’s cultures and better at working in a multicultural team. . 

My biggest weakness is that, at times, I lack succinct, and conciseness. I tend to over explain in fear that my audience may not fully understand. In addition I have trouble prioritizing which aspects of an idea is most important hence I have trouble condensing the explanation down. However I have learned, putting space between me and my work which helps me see more clearly what’s important.. However I hope to get better at being concise the first time around. 

My learning philosophy hinges on engagement, I learn best through discussions and debates. This may be in a class setting or a more informal setting such as on a group chat. I believe stating my thoughts out loud to another person helps me better organize my own thoughts and solidify my understanding. Often it also leads to new ways of looking or understanding course material.

If you believe that my skill set will best complement yours and would like to reach me to form a team. I can be reached on my email siddhero97@gmail.com or my phone n umber 2363343290


Best Regards

Siddhartha Gupta