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This is the coursework for English 301 Technical Writing. The course is taught by Dr. Erika Paterson of the University of British Columbia. Writing with the audience in mind, is vital, for both industrial and academic communication. From writing definitions to responding to others from a “YOU” perspective, here is the journey which I have taken throughout the last 4 months, in order to, consider the needs and wants of others while communicating.

Definition Assignment

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Variety Of Definitions

Definitions are required to precisely state the meaning of a term which are necessary to ensure contract and stakeholder understanding. A parenthetical definition is required to briefly mention one’s own understanding of another. This could be used in semi-formal communication when the audience is technical and business. A sentence definition is required to explain to someone in detail the various aspects of a word. I could use this when making documentation for my code. An expanded version of a definition can be used to explain a term in detail to a colleague or a stakeholder familiar with neither marketing nor technological dogma.

Peer Review Of Definition

Peer reviewing was the second assignment where we had to make suggestions and evaluate the work of a team member. This was very insightful and helped to understand the mindset of a nontechnical reader. : The Classic Magnifying Glass 3" with Powerful 5X ...
Review of Definition

Report Proposal

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The research proposal was the initial step for writing a bigger project; Formal report. This assignment helped to refine and focus on the aim and scope of the report leading to a more purpose-driven plan and process.

Progress Report

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The progress report is an important document that helped students to get their bearings as writers. It asked to put into words the characteristics of the audience as well as the significance of the report. However more essential to the report was a writing schedule and a research plan. Both were important since the report was a long project and planning was essential for time management and execution.


Survey Question 

Formal Report

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The following document is a report about my investigation into the direct channels used for interpersonal communication. The report objectively enumerates the data findings as well as highlights trends based on my interpretation. Finally, recommendations are given on how to improve the communication channels off ACC limited.

Complaint Letter

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Writing a letter of complaint or expressing dissatisfaction is an important skill in the professional environment. The following assignment helped us practice conveying dissatisfaction using ‘you’ attitude. The three pillars of “you” attitude are: not directing blame, keeping in mind the reader’s ego, and not using direct language. All of this helps increase the chance of your request being granted.

Bad News Letter

Response Letter

This business letter was an important assignment for effective customer communication. It showcases the skill of writing with a “YOU” attitude.  Effective customer communication is most important when delivering bad news. This assignment helped us practice the “You” attitude to help deliver bad news in a way that helps preserve customer relationships.

Peer Review of Application Package

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Reviewing Applications

An important skill I learned whilst doing application package peer review is empathy. In order to effectively conduct the peer review, one must read the application package from the employer’s perspective. I was paying attention to the appropriate tone and precise language since employers go through a large number of resumes.

Peer Review Of Formal Report

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Reviewing Formal Report

In my peer review for this formal report, I was paying attention specifically to the use of imperative verbs and first-person pronouns. Since it is highly recommended that these are minimally used when writing a formal report.