
#UBC50K (and procrastination)


I’m procrastinating right now, kind of. I have a paper that’s due tomorrow, but I have reached this certain point where I just don’t give a hoot anymore. My paper doesn’t make sense, and I don’t even care. I don’t even like that class. POLI 101 Government of Canada is the pits. No offense, Canada.

And now I’m going to tell you guys about something that’s going on!

Most of you may know about the recent typhoon that devastated the Philippines. Well, UBC Dollar Project and UBC Kababayan have joined forces to organize a fundraiser – UBC50k, in order to help the victims of the typhoon. The idea is to collect a dollar from every student on campus and like get a whole bunch of money to donate to the Red Cross. This project is also in collaboration with UC Berkeley and UC Davis in California. (It’s called UC Davis 33k or something on the other side)

(I honestly don’t think 50k will be achieved, but it’s always good to aim high.)

A friend of mine brought the initiative to Totem Park, and they’ve started to branch out, and even collected money by the fountain today. At least, my friends did, for the most part. I spent most of my time eating kimchi, drinking hot chocolate from Tim Hortons, and watching our bags, because I am inordinately paranoid. I did help though, I swear. I just have trouble approaching strangers, because I usually don’t talk to people unless they talk to me first. Very friendly, I know. Also, going up to strangers and asking for money? Um. Check back on another day, when I get a little more self-confidence. Hashtag awkward people problems.

I kid (mostly). Helping out with this project really makes me happy, not because of the whole helping out people in need thing, but because of the interactions we have with people we encounter. You really meet a lot of interesting people by hanging around in the cold.

We’ll be at the fountain again from 12 – 4pm on Friday, and there’s going to be music and a bunch of singing as well (having talented friends I crai everytim), so do drop by. You don’t even have to donate a dollar – 5 cent coins gladly accepted. We don’t discriminate. Even if you’re as broke as a broken thing, come by and say hi and be awkward then run away. I think we’re fun people.

And now I will go back to my paper and rearrange words.



Why you no




That is me, imagining you. Because in my imagination, I’m actually wanted, you know. People like me and adore me in this version of reality. People watch my blog in hopes that I will update and regale with tales of dwarves in misty mountains cold. Real life sucks.


This is me right now:


I almost want to call it quits. I don’t want to write this stupid paper on Canadian elections. I don’t want to write anything anymore. I want to sleep forever… which sounds really morbid, because it may seem a little like dying to you, but really, I just want to sleep forever. Many fun.. so sleeep much snorez.

Then I think about the thousands and thousands of people with degrees, the people causing this academic inflation. If they could do it, why can’t I? So I’m sucking it up now.




Moo. #RippleEffectUBC

Hello all you beautiful people.

Can you believe we’re two weeks away from the end of term? -insert pause as I cry my eyes out and have a mental breakdown- Things are getting crazy for everyone – term papers, “mid”terms, final reports…. I have been fairly out of it myself as well.

In case you guys didn’t know, there’s been this campaign going on around campus, called the Ripple Effect. It’s to raise awareness on the importance of sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint.

The thing is, I’ve never actually had the time to visit any of the Ripple Labs on campus over these two weeks. I’ve heard people talking about the amazing 3D chalk art in the SUB, and I’ve seen the little electrical buggies sending people straight to class. But me being me, having the attention span of a teaspoon and living mostly in my head, I missed all of it. Or should I say, all but one.

I made my way to the back of the MacMillan Building yesterday to get some cow action. I have always been an animal person (they don’t judge you when you say stupid things), and seeing the cows brought me embarrassing amounts of joy and a sense of serenity. It’s also crazy impressive how they pulled out all the stops and brought cows to our campus.

(I also have no pictures because my phone conveniently broke… It’s amazing how so many things can go wrong sometimes.)

Here a picture from the internet instead


Sustainability aside, cow-watching definitely helped my current mental state. I know things are getting a little out of hand for everyone (I never knew I could complete so many essays in one night, shall we say), but be sure to take care of yourself. Think about it this way: no one cares if you get poopy grades in your first year. No one in charge of grad school admissions cares. No fancy corporate guy in a suit cares.

Unless you’re not in first year. I should stop generalizing, we learn that in class…..