The Formation of a National Cinema Audience
Posted by: Brian | January 14, 2009 | Comments Off on The Formation of a National Cinema Audience
Lo que tiene a interés para mi es el hecho que el cine tiene el poder para cambiar el visión de un país. Después leí el articulo, “The Formation of a Nacional Cinema Audience,” pense sobre mi tiempo pasaba en Argentina. Conoci una chica de Argentina que estudiaba Relaciones Internacionales. Ella me pregunto si los EEUU fuera en realidad semejante a la manera lo representaba por las películas. Ella a mi parecio tener percepciones extranos sobre los EEUU basado de lo que ella miraba. Es interesante notar el gran impacto que las películas se pueden tener.
The article is concerned with the essence of the gaze, which specifically refers to the logistics and way a viewer decides to see an object or subject based upon the perspective they are given. The gaze is established by the framing of the camera. The way the spectator views the world is determined by one particular lens of reference, which further suggests relationships and power roles. However when I think of the concept of the gaze I think of the director, Hitchcock who often used this gaze to call attention to particular themes. I originally learned about the concept in my Feminist film class. Usually when the term is applied, it refers to the power dynamics between men and women. It is commonly argued that women are objectified by the male gaze, which women learn to identify with and eventually desire to emulate. Theoretically this is what supposedly encourages consumerism because women want to be like these women in the photographs. Furthermore, a theme that has been explored before among academics is the idea that sexuality is merely a social construct and performed. Applying this theory in order to better interpret Mexican Cinema, one could imagine that the Golden Era in Mexico helped to shape and construct a collective national identity that could be performed and would be easily identifiable as “Mexican.” In addition, the film industry embellished and romanticized characteristics found in Mexican culture in which the country tried to eventually emulate as well. The gaze often used to describe social power relations between women and men Noble uses in order to describe the gaze adopted by Mexican Cinema, which works to evoke this connection and the country’s attempt to develop a more pronounced sense of Mexican identity.