The Gringo in Mananaland

Posted by: | January 11, 2009 | Comments Off on The Gringo in Mananaland

The Gringo in MañanalandEl título de esta película me parece importante. Propongo que la palabra spanglesa (o ‘spanglish’ en inglés) ‘Mañanaland’ tiene algo que ver con la idea de ‘Never-Neverland’ que sabemos de Peter Pan. Never-Never…

Gringo in Mananaland

Posted by: | January 7, 2009 | Comments Off on Gringo in Mananaland

My initial thoughts on the film related back to a film class I recently took concerning Hollywood Cinema. As the narrator pointed out in “Gringo in Mananaland,” the reasons for the way Latin America was portrayed were for multiple purposes, mostly in o…

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