Starbucks’ Approach to the New Breakfast Menu
I read Metro newspaper everyday in the morning on the way to school. Recently, one advertisement on the newspaper has drawn my attention, which is Starbucks’ breakfast special offer advertisement. I am a big fan of Starbucks coffee and when I first saw the image of Starbucks’ breakfast sandwich, I triggered my taste bud and thought that I should definitely try the new sandwich from Starbucks. Starbucks offers a hot breakfast only for $2 when purchase any beverage between February 4 to 10, 2013. This advertisement targets people like me who does not have a time to cook in the morning and people who go to Starbucks in the morning to grab some coffee. Starting last week, I saw this advertisement every single morning and I felt like I must try this Starbucks breakfast. At first, I was like maybe, but as I kept see this advertisement everywhere, my mind was crammed with this special offer, so every morning or even whenever I see Starbucks, it reminded me of that advertisement. It was just a simple small advertisement in the newspaper and unconsciously it kept reminded me of the offer. On my way to school this morning, I finally went to Starbucks and ordered a caramel macchiato with the breakfast for $2. I think this was a true marketing. Starbucks’ marketing of this promotion was successful if they intended this result. The breakfast deal will definitely lead the targeted customers to the store and whether people like the new menu or not, the first step is still successful because it lets people to try it and if people like it, they will buy it later even if it is not on the promotion anymore.
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I was looking for an article and found an advertisement from The Vancouver Sun Website.
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