Overpackaging is a controversial issue over a long period of time. I bet many people have raised a question regarding this issue. Packaging is one of marketing strategies that how company portrays its products to consumers. It also encloses or protects products from external environment such as when transporting and when storing. A question that I want to ask is that to what extend should consumer accept packaging as of protection? Not only purpose of protecting its product, but packaging is used to make products as fancy and big as possible, so consumers are attracted and think that it is worth to pay this amount for this product. Consumers like me are fooled by packaging, assuming that the contents inside would be as big or as much as it appears, but the fact is that we are buying a package and contents come along with it. Consumers buy contents inside the package, but overpackaging makes consumers to think that they are paying for a big box (package) and inside object is extra bonus for buying the package.



The big concern for overpackaging is an environmental issue. Companies or manufactures love to dress their products with unnecessary fancy package, which sometimes does not relate to its product at all. Millions and millions of items that are wastefully wrapped, and scores of large, almost-empty boxes that consume valuable shipping space, all translate into an enormous waste of materials and energy. And it’s not just about litter and landfills; it’s also about deforestation, air quality, and global warming. If companies think about their social responsibilities and concerns about environmental issues, they should redesign their package and change its packaging methods. It will save company’s money and the Earth! If the actual content is good, people will buy it whether it appears to be bigger and fancier or smaller and normal.


For more overpackaging picture, visit http://www.overpackaging.com/Pictures.htm

22. March 2013 by sungwonyoon
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