The application package is created as part of assignment for technical writing course taken at UBC. It is for a public health sector job in dental hygiene. It consists of Job Posting, Cover Letter, Resume and three Letters requesting References.
The job posting is found on the York region website for dental hygiene public health jobs. More details about the job can be found by clicking the link below.
The cover letter complements the resume and gives a more detailed insight to the prospective employer about the applicant’s skill set. It has the ability to demonstrate applicant’s confidence as the perfect fit for the applied job.
A resume showcases skills, gained experience, education, accomplishments and interests. An impressive resume paves the way for the applicant.
Three letters are written to my previous employers and dental program coordinator for requesting to become references. References can add a voice for applicant’s skills and experience.
301.T.Atwal.Letters requesting Reference
The entire application package can be found by clicking the link below:
301.T.Atwal.Application Package