PhET was created by the University of Colorado Boulder and it consists of a number of educational applications that explore mathematic and scientific concepts.  The website is organized so that teachers can search by subject area and grade level.  For example, there is an app called “area builder” where students can manipulate squares on a grid and observe how the area and perimeter of  the remaining shape changes response to their actions.  Such an app has value in a classroom where students are in the formative stage of learning concepts because they can experiment with mathematical concepts.  Also, using this app is an eco-friendly alternative to pencil and paper worksheets.

In addition, there is a section on website where educators can search based on compatibility with devices.  The aforementioned subdivision of apps is important to teachers because the types of technologies available to them varies greatly from school to school and district to district.  Finally, the apps on this website are a useful resource to support students who have difficulties with fine motor skill.  A majority of them can be accessed on touchscreen devices such as an iPad.  The latter point of accessibility is worth noting because this website allows students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding when they may have been disadvantaged by having to use a pencil and paper in the past.