Putman, S., & Id-Deen, L. (2019). “I Can See It!” Math Understanding Through Virtual Reality. Educational Leadership, 76(5), 36–40. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&db=trh&AN=134555679&site=ehost-live&scope=site

This article describes how a low-income primary school in Kentucky that utilized virtual reality (VR) googles to teach students math. VR is an immersive experience whereby users put on googles which place them an artificial environment that they can interact with. For example, if students were to see a block through their VR goggles, the students would be able to virtually pick it up and move it. The authors state that students who experienced this method of instruction had a better understanding of concepts such as volume. Also, they report that this method of teaching mathematics helps students understand abstract mathematical concepts.  VR is a prime example of a transformative technology because of its limitless potential.  For example, with this technology, students are able to  interact with objects that would be too large for them to move in real life. Such a method of instruction can deepen a child’s understanding of mathematical concepts because it is inherently more exciting and motivating than the traditional pencil and paper method of teaching.