Ramblings on a sustainable world

It’s not the size that counts

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I recently listened to a Ted talk by Tshering Tobgay, Bhutan’s Prime Minister. It was perhaps the first time I have every truly believed that sustainability can trump economics. Bhutan, as many of you may know, separated itself from the world by placing Gross National Happiness or GNH above Gross National Product or any other economic factor. They have extended this holistic approach to running a nation into sustainability, creating several programs that work to fund education, preserve their environment, and invest in clean energy. So how is it that…read more


Keep the crowds, preserve the nature

Posted by in Environment, Sustainability, Uncategorized

Since last weeks posting the Mother Canada Statue (pictured above) has been scrapped, seen as both infeasible by the architecture firm approached to construct it and a lack of funds available to complete the project. While this puts this particular issue to rest for the moment I have no doubt there will be similar projects proposed in the near future. After some reflection I have a few recommendations for Parks Canada to help them boost attendance without needing to resort to the “disneyfication” of their spaces. Create events, not monuments….read more


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