Wow, Where have I been?
Jan 9th, 2008 by Miranda
As I am sure you have allllll been wondering where in the h*ck I have been since my last post… (hey now you blog lovers… no need for blasphemy!) But IM OK! Really.. I am!
I survived Exams.
I guess Im kind of saying that for my own sake. I really find it somewhat difficult to believe. I am now having to fight further for my marks though. There have been mistakes on 3 of my 5 final exams paper grades… That I can tell that is though there are few profs that like to admit that this happens.
Im not trying to poo poo on anyone here ’cause I know mistakes happen, Im just trying to utter/grunt/moan/screech a word or two of advice: Double Check the Marking.
If you aren’t already in the habit of doing this (if you aren’t, its your own fault for being at a B+ average rather than that A- your probably capable of) START NOW! Profs/TAs ARE NOT: going to rip your head off, having it out for you the rest of the term, glare at you from across the room for the rest of the day, make voodoo dolls of your bodys sticking needles into areas no needles should ever go, etc. No! They really don’t mind and you wanna know why?! ‘Cause they are smart people! In case you didn’t notice, some of them even have a few diplomas or PhD’s which means that they too know the secret which I have just disclosed:
Everyone Makes Mistakes.
Do you mean that you actually got your final exams back, and that you had a chance to look them over? Or was it that you thought there might be a mistake and you had to make a special request to look them over? Is there a form that you had to fill out?
I’ve always wanted to look at my finals, not to complain but just to see what I could’ve done better. You know?
Yeah.. I always request to see them and most of the time the teachers are quite helpful but yeah. When I had an incident with mine, I simply requested to see them. Depending on the faculty, you may need a letter from the Dean of the Faculty in order to see your final exams (this is to ensure that exams are not being copied so that they can be used later as it takes a lot time to make final exams) But all worked out in the end… other then my somewhat lower-then-expected GPA… but that is life in first year!