Out of the way..
Aug 28th, 2008 by Miranda
There are 5 more days left until school starts again. There are 5 MORE DAYS left until school starts again.
Since when did summer end in the middle of August? Who ordered this rain? Is the sun ever going to come back? THESE are all questions that I wish University could answer. Instead, I put on my posh sweats with “UBC” on the fanny and stare at the fat raindrops falling over Vancouver and wonder what it all means. Well, I’m not really pondering the meaning of the rain – that seems like a waste of time, but I would like to know how in the hell summer went by faster than exam season.
I miss the falls of my childhood. Crunchy leaves to roll in and throw down your friends’ shirts. Brisk mornings where a sweater will do ya. Here it’s all avoiding-the-puddles-of-leaf-goo and black and brown rainboots that NOTHING matches with.
And school.
Back to school.
Last year was the anticipation of going to school again after a year off but this year it feels like I have hardly had room to breathe. You see, the universe decided to provide my days off with clouds and the days I worked inside a shop in 4th Ave. were the blistering “summer days”. What gets me through this weather is knowing that Grad school is now only 2 years away. I also happen to have that old Walmart commercial stuck in my head of a dad buying school supplies for his kids, his shopping cart gliding as if on an ice rink to the tune of “It’s the most wonderful time… of the year!”. You know the one… yup, that’s it.
But you know what? I refuse to accept this as the end. No. Summer cannot be over. I simply will not have it. Denial is a beautiful place and I am making a choice to live there; Bbq’s undiscovered, cricked backs from hiking sacks, beers at warm dusk… Ahh.. life is good. And now that I have gotten this first post out of the way, I can focus on the more important things in life, like making these 5 days stretch on for a month.