Where’s the Handle..?
Sep 30th, 2008 by Miranda
Entertainment for your study breaks. Everyone needs back up links for when you just cant think anymore. Careful though, youtube is addictive. No seriously. *Caution*
Idea: I have friends that give their friends their Facebook passwords when its midterm/final time and their friends change their passwords for them so that they can’t log in and Face-creep. Come on. You know you do it. Well, if its interrupting your midterm studies, try it! I highly recommend it.
Here’s some Dane Cook. I love this guy. Again, addictive.
Je-fe-fe Dun-Ham and Peanut (You’ll get it when you see it)
Jeff Dunham and Walter
Jeff Dunham and Achmed
I have no time to watch these now, but this is definitely a dangerous path you’ve lit for us dearie.
I’ve watched Dunham with Achmed in exam seasons past, and it is hilarity. Especially at those points where you’ve studied much longer than you humanely should and everything, no matter how mundane, are transformed into the funniest thing you’ve ever heard in your life.