Resolutions.. *shiver*
Jan 8th, 2009 by Miranda
Who made resolutions this year? Does no one learn?
My opinion is that if you would really like to AVOID having something happen in the New Year, turn it into a resolution. That ways you ensure that you will, indeed, not get that task accomplished.
My New Years Resolutions (keeping the above disclaimer in mind)
**These are, of course, made up on the spot as I quite clearly despise any form of real resolution, why do you need the changing of the year as a catalyst to make change in your life? NOW is the only time to do it!
a. I will swim with sharks and play with seaweed this year. *check – my two basal fears covered*
b. I will contract an infectious disease this year, break a bone, have an organ removed, have headaches all the time, get ulcers, CHD, influenza, all viral infections, have a bone marrow transplant, get pink eye, worms (ew), acid reflux, get into a car accident and cancer this year. . *check check – my health is in order*
c. I will go bankrupt this year. *Finances – check*
d. I will lose all of my friends and family members “Network – check*
Ok, this is getting a little morid but you get the idea. My point? No one ever does their resolutions!
I’m one of those too, and that’s precisely the reason I don’t make New Year’s resolutions for myself. Rather, just set goals throughout the year whenever it occurs to me, and steer well away from the “R” term. I’d say you have a pretty good list here though =)