Mar 18 2011

New Japanese Fiction Titles

Published by under New Titles

Check out some of the current fiction recently added to the collection. Reviews included.

永遠の0 Eien no 0 | review (朝日新聞)
by 百田尚樹 Hyakuta Naoki

乙女の密告 Otome no mikkoku | review (読売新聞)
by 赤染晶子 Akazome Akiko

小暮写真館 Kogure Shashinkan | review (朝日新聞)
by 宮部みゆき

再会 Saikai | review (朝日新聞)
by 横関大 Yokozeki Dai

死ねばいいのに Shineba ii no ni review (朝日新聞)
by 京極夏彦 Kyōgoku Natsuhiko

ゼロ、ハチ、ゼロ、ナナ Zero, hachi, zero, nana | review (読書間奏文 blog)
by 辻村深月 Tsujimura Mizuki

小さいおうち Chiisai ouchi | review (読売新聞)
by 中島京子 Nakajima Kyōko

ヘヴン Hevun | review (朝日新聞)
by 川上未映子 Kawakami Mieko

ボーダー&レス Bōdā & resu | review (新人賞をとって作家になる!blog)
by 藤代泉 Fujishiro Izumi

抱擁、あるいはライスには塩を Hōyō, aruiwa raisu ni wa shio o | review (bookjapan)

猫を抱いて象と泳ぐ Neko o daite zō to oyogu | review (朝日新聞)
by 小川洋子 Ogawa Yōko

ねむり Nemuri review
by 村上春樹 Murakami Haruki

歌うクジラ Utau kujira | review (朝日新聞)
by 村上龍 Murakami Ryū

マリアビートル Mariabītoru (Mariabeetle) | review (朝日新聞)
by 伊坂幸太郎 Isaka Kōtarō

もしもし下北沢 Moshimoshi Shimokitazawa | review (毎日新聞)
by よしもとばなな Yoshimoto Banana

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Mar 11 2011

Japan Earthquake 東日本大震災 Coverage

Published by under In the News

See the Earthquake & Tsunami Resources Page for an updated list of resources.

Here are some links to news media reports on the devastating earthquake in Japan.

Japanese-language Media
TBS TV live news stream TBSテレビの公式チャンネル
FNN (Fuji TV) live news stream
NHK News live | video footage | aftershock warnings | local news | main
Asahi Online special report
Yomiuri Online bulletin board 震災掲示板 | main page

English-language Media
Yokoso News live feed
Asahi Shimbun (English) main page
NHK World (English) main page

If you are looking for information on someone in the area, try Google’s Person Finder 消息情報.

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Feb 08 2011

Katherine Govier Talk

Published by under Events

Ghost Brush Cover Award-winning novelist Katherine Govier
will read from and discusses her latest novel The Ghost Brush.

Tuesday, February 22
5:00–6:30 pm
Auditorium, Asia Centre, 1871 West Mall
University of British Columbia

For more details, see the poster (pdf).

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Feb 08 2011

Cinema Kabuki

Published by under Events

Cinema Kabuki is coming to Vancouver. Kabuki Theatre in high definition on the big screen, showings are as follows:

Cineplex Odeon International Village Cinemas, 88 West Pender Street
February 9 (Wednesday), 2011
6:00 pm Triple Lion Dance
7:30 pm Heron Maiden

The event is presented by The Japan Foundation in association with the Consulate General of Japan and TomoeArts. Click here for more details.

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Feb 01 2011

Even More SNKBZ Titles in JapanKnowledge

Published by under E-Resources

JapanKnowledge has just uploaded ten more titles to its Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū 新編日本古典文学全集 collection:

Nihon ryōiki 日本霊異記
Utsuho monogatari うつほ物語
Ochikubo monogatari 落窪物語
Tsutsumi Chūnagon monogatari 堤中納言物語
Izumi Shikibu nikki 和泉式部日記
Murasaki Shikibu nikki 紫式部日記
Sarashina nikki 更級日記
Sanuki no Suke no Nikki 讃岐典侍日記
Hamamatsu Chūnagon monogatari 浜松中納言物語
Yoru no nezame 夜の寝覚

Remember to check out the tutorial here to learn how to access the works.

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Jan 21 2011

New SNKBZ Titles Added to JapanKnowledge

Published by under E-Resources

Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshu pictureJapanKnowledge has added several more titles to its full-text Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū 新編日本古典文学全集 series.

The newly added content includes:
Yamato monogatari 大和物語
Sagoromo monogatari 狭衣物語
Heichū monogatari 平中物語
Taketori monogatari 竹取物語
Tosa nikki 土佐日記
Ise monogatari 伊勢物語
Kagerō nikki 蜻蛉日記
Makura no sōshi 枕草子
Shōbō genzō zuimonki 正法眼蔵随聞記
Tannishō 歎異抄
Hōjōki 方丈記
Tsurezuregusa 徒然草

How do you access the material? Check out the tutorial here.

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Nov 01 2010

New Japanese Titles

Published by under New Titles

Anime and Manga
鉄腕アトム : オリジナル版復刻大全集 – Unit 2
Tetsuwan Atomu: orijinaru-ban fukkoku daizenshū
表象と批評 : 映画・アニメーション・漫画
Hyōshō to hihyō: eiga, animēshon, manga
Manga wa ekkyōsuru!
まんが学特講 : 目からウロコの戦後まんが史
Mangagaku tokkō

Art and Printing
江戸の絵本 : 画像とテキストの綾なせる世界
Edo no ehon: gazō to tekisuto no ayanaseru sekai
Nihon no moji bunka o saguru
細川家の至宝 : 珠玉の永青文庫コレクション
Hosokawa-ke no shihō

黒澤明 : キネマ旬報セレクション
Kurosawa Akira: Kinema Junpō serekushon
Taikei Kurosawa Akira [The Akira Kurosawa Archives]

History and Culture
1920-nendai Higashi Ajia no bunka kōryū
E de miru utsukushii Nihon no rekishi
Edo Yoshiwara sōkan
写真記録 : 昭和恐慌の時代
Shashin kiroku : Shōwa kyōkō no jidai
Bakumatsu Meiji jinbutsu kenkyū bunken mokuroku
Nihon no taigai kankei (series)
Heian kyūtei no girei bunka
Muromachi Bakufu gunsei no kōzō to tenkai
Meiji Taishō Robunka juyōshi

Language and Literature
「戦後」というイデオロギー : 歴史, 記憶, 文化
“Sengo” to iu ideorogī: rekishi, kioku, bunka
Sengo, shōsetsu, Okinawa
Dakara puroretaria bungaku
Jブンガク : 英語で出会い、日本語を味わう名作50
J-bungaku : Eigo de deai, Nihongo o ajiwau meisaku 50

Social Science
“Konkatsu” genshō no shakaigaku
Taishōki no kazoku mondai
Senjika no keizai gakusha
反撃カルチャー : プレカリアートの豊かな世界
Hangeki karuchā: purekariāto no yutaka na sekai

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Oct 19 2010

New Japanese DVDs

Published by under New Titles

Classic Movies
Akai satsui (赤い殺意)
Akibiyori (秋日和)
Ichiban utsukushiku (一番美しく)
Umarete wa mita keredo (生れてはみたけれど)
Kikujirō no natsu (菊次郎の夏)
Sugata Sanshirō (姿三四郎)
Nippon konchūki (にっぽん昆虫記)
Nihon shunka kō (日本春歌考)
Majo no takkyūbin (魔女の宅急便)

Current Movies
Tasogare Seibei (たそがれ清兵衛)
Dare mo shiranai (だれもしらない)
Hasshu! (ハッシュ! )
Hula girls (フラガール)
Metoro ni notte (地下鉄に乗って)

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Sep 27 2010

Tokugawa Map Display and Update

Published by under Events

Tokugawa MapFrom today until October 1 (Friday) Rare Books and Special Collections will be holding a small exhibit featuring a selection of maps and atlases from our Japanese Maps of the Tokugawa Era collection. Rare Books and Special Collections is located on the lower level of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Please click here for more details. The display is in conjunction with the Japan Studies Association of Canada Conference, which will take place at UBC this week.

Also, I would like to announce that the digitization of the collection is now complete. Although the flat maps in the collection had already been digitized, several scrolls and monographs (mostly atlases) could not receive this treatment in the first phase of the project. Thanks to the financial support of the Asian Studies Department, Rare Books and Special Collections and University Archives have worked over the past year to digitize the many works in the collection, and they are now all viewable online.

Finally, at the beginning of this month we hosted a student intern from Tsukuba University who entered the original script for several titles. Including the original script in the database is an ongoing project, and we hope to be able to provide more Japanese-language functionality in the near future.

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Apr 26 2010

Japanese Authors at Writers & Readers Festival

Published by under Events

Japanese Authors at Writers Fest

Asada Jiro, Atoda Takashi and Mori Eto

Canada Meets Japan: A Conversation of Authors

Monday May 3rd, 7-9:30 p.m.
Asia Pacific Hall, SFU Wosk Centre for Dialogue

Admission: FREE, but registration required

Hosted by David Chariandy, SFU Department of English, Melek Ortabasi, SFU World Literature Program, and Hal Wake, Artistic Director of the Vancouver International Writers Festival.

Featuring Atoda Takashi 阿刀田高, President of PEN Japan, Mori Eto 森絵都, winner of the Naoki Prize for Kaze ni maiagaru biniiru shiito 風に舞いあがるビニールシート and Asada Jiro 浅田次郎, winner of the Naoki Prize for Mibu gishiden 壬生義士伝. In dialogue with Steven Galloway, author of The Cellist of Sarajevo, Nancy Lee, author of Dead Girls, and Timothy Taylor, author of Story House. With special guests Ayako Sato, Takeaki Hori and PEN Canada spokesperson Douglas Coupland.

Check out the Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival website, or download a poster for more details.

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